please ppl help me out as i am really confused...
i have following question...
1. any book u might wanna reccomend me for hesi; how is over all hesi test?
2. my 2nd question is abt clinical rotations. how many hours are required for clinicals.
q.no3: since in 2nd year of nursing curricula there are only 19 sch. can you take them all in one semester
with course overload permission kind of thing. as i have known, that one can take maximum 18 per semester. i am alil confused as what classes to go for this this fall 2009.should i go for classes that are for nursing curricula such as a and p 2, micriobiology and so on.i know that it would reduce a whole lot of course work, but at the sametime, i fear what if i have to wait till spring of 2010 to get into nursing programme.
so would you recommend me to go for other core courses such history, govt; till i actually get to be part of the nuring programs.
q. no. 5: in all my nursing pre-reqs, i got b grades, do you think are those good enough to get thruough the admission starting fall of 2009.?