What is the best way to discharge patients easily? It seems like the hardest thing is discharge. People expect to be admitted for every and anything. Most of the time I as the nurse get the grief. I mean is it my fault that we aren't hospitalizing you for back pain or for a laceration to the head? We sent you to CT scan, MRI, and XRay. We drew labs, we stitched you up and made sure you were okay to go after 5 hours of work on you but's not enough. I try to explain that we cannot hospitalize for everything. Somethings aren't worthy of a hospitalization. You should get the prescriptions filled and follow up with your PCP in 2-3 days. Or employ conservative treatment such as heat and ice on ailment A, B, C and D.
How do you gracefully explain and discharge a patient without them complaining, threatening, and asking to speak to the boss? How do you get them out the door sans security? I mean I understand fear, but if you weren't stable we would not send you home...
I need pointers.