Published Aug 7, 2019
293 Posts
Who is responsible for getting the 504 plan info to teachers? Who writes and updates them? This process seems to get more overwhelming every year. I have a small high school of less than 700 but I have 38 plans and getting it all organized is hard. Ideas? Tips? Right now, I make a paper list of each teacher that has the student. I attach that to the front of the plan. I then email a copy to the teachers but they have to come to my office to sign off. This is how my principal wants it done but I think he would be open to a better idea if I came up with one.
NutmeggeRN, BSN
2 Articles; 4,704 Posts
Me ? but I only to the medically relateed ones., You shouldn't be doing doing ADHD anxiety etc. I share in Google docs and they sign an ackowledgment form
1,250 Posts
Our director of special services calls me and asks for what she wants, usually what meds or medical history. That's usually the extent of my involvement unless I directly have to do something with the student. I have only ever sat in on one meeting my 4 years here and that was for a student with a new trach.
BettyGirard, BSN
153 Posts
My experience is similar to Eleven11. A 504 plan is still an educational plan and the lead is taken by the teacher and SPED coordinator. If they need medical input, I provide it. Much of it is pretty canned health plans on my point. Occasionally, I'll have to sit in on the committee if it's an involved student.
1,756 Posts
There should be a special education coordinator handling the 504 plans.
I don’t write any of them. I don’t even have input anymore, our director of special ed does that. The problem is, they are not kept up with. I am in high school and have some that have not been reviewed since elementary school. Yet, I am responsible for housing them and getting the information to the teachers. It is very frustrating.
Not reviewed since elementary? Oh, there's a bigger problem here. The special ed director needs to be fired!
Now that I've spazzed out, how about requesting a re-evaluation of the children whom you think need to be updated?
Also, found this regarding the school nurse role in the process:
10 Posts
Guidance counselor keeps up with them here. I help provide the medical information needed, screenings, etc.