Piedmont New Grad nurse Residency 2014


Hello everyone,

I wanted to start this thread because I am very interested in the Piedmont New Grad nursing residency program summer/fall 2014 in Atlanta. It will be nice if you could share your experience or share your thoughts about anything. Did anyone apply for the Summer/Fall program yet?

I just got a call today for an interview on the April 21st with my first choice CV/Tele!! Anyone else hear anything?

i applied for Critical care but havent heard back yet... from last year's grads i heard they got an offer by may

I have an interview for CV as well. Good luck everyone.

are you all applying before or after sitting for NCLEX? I am curious as to when I should start applying. @oopsiedaise would you mind sharing what kind of stuff you have on your resume in terms of previous experience and such? thank you!

Hi, I applied before my NCLEX

I interviewed on April 18 and I think it went well. I applied for the acute care residency. I was told they would be interviewing into the second week of May. So we should hopefully hear something around that time, preferably sooner. As I was leaving I shook everyone's hand and the Oncology manager handed me her card and told me to call or email if I had additional questions. So I took that as a positive sign because she could of easily directed me to HR for future concerns or questions, but you never know. Good luck guys!

What kinda if questions did they ask you? I've never had an interview before so I'm really scared and that's a long interview period. Good luck!!!

What kinda if questions did they ask you I've never had an interview before so I'm really scared and that's a long interview period. Good luck!!!

The entire interview was scenario based. I had to read two scenarios and explain how I would handle the situation. Initially, they did ask about what makes me a good candidate to choose, but right after I was presented with the scenarios. Then you had an opportunity to ask questions. I have heard in the past people had to complete a math test, but that was not required for this interview.

The entire interview was scenario based. I had to read two scenarios and explain how I would handle the situation. Initially, they did ask about what makes me a good candidate to choose, but right after I was presented with the scenarios. Then you had an opportunity to ask questions. I have heard in the past people had to complete a math test, but that was not required for this interview.

Thanks for the insight. Was this for CV/Tele or Med-Surg?

Thanks for the insight. Was this for CV/Tele or Med-Surg?

Med Surg

I am curious. In the past, people were able to view status changes like forwarded to manager etc. When I look, for job status all it says is Accepting applications. Granted I did already sit for an interview, but do it not provide insight on application steps?

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