Phi Theta Kappa - Haven't we all been invited?

Nurses New Nurse Nursing Q/A

I was recently invited to join Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) and was wondering if anyone who has experience with this honor society has found it beneficial other than it looking nice on resumes. My thinking is that most nursing students qualify for this honor due to the grades that must be maintained/acquired for nursing school. How would this make someone stand out in the field of nursing if most nursing students probably qualify?

Has anyone found that it helped them get any new-grad positions when they graduated? Did it help with scholarships? Did it look good when you wanted to transfer to a university? Did you find it helpful in terms of networking? Did it apply to any or none of the above?

I was also wondering what the GPA cutoff is? How low can your GPA fall before they kick you out? I could always ask this at the orientation meeting, but that isn't anytime soon.

I had also heard of Sigma Theta Tau (specifically for nurses) and was wondering what one would need to do in order to be invited to join?

Thanks for reading.

Specializes in PICU/Pedi.

Now that I've read your post a little more closely, I see that you are given one semester to bring it back up, so maybe that is what our ex-president did. But I have never heard my group say anything about anyone being dropped from the rolls if this happens. I will have to ask them about that next time I'm at a meeting.

I joined PTK last year, I'm still in the nursing program, maybe they'll invite me to the others.

Specializes in ICU.

Yeah, my chapter's literature states that if a member's GPA falls below 3.5, they no longer hold membership. There is no clause or verbiage pertaining to a probationary period for GPA improvement. It's all or nothing.

Specializes in PICU/NICU/ER.

I would like to join mine, but the GPA requirements is 3.85!! I have a GPA over that right now, but I'm only in my first semester of nursing school LOL!!

Specializes in Med-Swing/Rehab.

I entered Phi Theta Kappa while taking pre-requisites at a community college and joined. I did not participate in anything while going to the community college. now that I finished my nursing program (2 year ADN) at the community college, I am attending Kaplan university online and am enrolled in the BSN program. as a benefit, I got a $3000 scholarship because I was/am a member of phi theta kappa. also, I am able to take two classes per term instead of one which is great considering a few space fillers (things like humanities, bioethics, etc) are part of the program. things will go buy much quicker!

Is it going to show up on my transcript? How much is it going to help me getting other scholarships or transfer?

What do I need to do once I joined? A lot volunteers and group work stuffs?? (Personally not very good at working with other people)

What if I can't attend meetings, is it still gonna show up on my transcript??

My school does not require participation. But if you are not going to take advantage of a club why join it? Does your transcript show a GPA above a 3.5? That's all PTK shows. No matter what anyone says a 3.5 is a 3.5 and having a notation that says that you paid 75 dollars to be recognized will do little to impress the people reading the transcripts. Now if the schools you are applying to offer scholarships only to PTK members it would be worth it.

Specializes in Critical Care, Clinical Documentation Specialist.

I joined PTK last year and it has already been worth it to me. I did not get involved in the chapter because I was just too busy and my lack of involvement did not affect my membership or my transcript, at all. On my transcript it says under comments: Phi Theta Kappa Member, Inducted Fall 2009

PTK offers their own scholarships at many 4 year schools if you are a transfer. I have already been awarded a 500 per semester scholarship because of my PTK membership. It will repeat each semester, as long as I keep my GPA above 3.5.

PTK will not help you win OTHER scholarships, however, your GPA will. I was awarded another 1000 per semester scholarship from the University when I transferred because of my GPA, not because of my membership in PTK.

Specializes in None yet.

So does anyone have any first hand experience recieveing a PTK scholarship? I know that you have to be a member to recieve these scholarships but has anyone actually gotten one? I'm invited to join each quarter which doesn't surprise me since most pre-nursing students have qualifying GPAs. Also has anyone been told by admissions into a nursing program that being a PTK member made a difference rather than the GPA that was high enough being what mattered. I'm a poor single mom so $75 is a lot for me and my kids to spend on something that *might* be worth it.

Thanks for the advice

Being in the nursing honor society does not make you better than any other candidate in the application least that's the case in this area of the US (Texas Medical Center)'s more about experience such as were you an EMT, paramedic, CNA, extc before you became a of my really close friends from nursing school graduated with a 3.94, was also a part of the nursing honor society, and still hasn't landed a job since we graduated back in August of this year (can you even believe that she was rejected from 2 positions!) really stinks because she is a really bright and driven individual and I know that if she were given the opporunity she would excel but times are tough :(

Hi everyone, I joined phi theta kappa at my CC. I already hold a BA. Does anyone know if the scholarships are open to people with a BA? I am looking to do an ABSN program. If the university awards Phi theta kappa members who transfer in with scholarships, will having a BA preclude me from this? I already e-mailed some of the schools I am looking at, but haven't got any replies

I just received a letter from my school with an invitation to join PTK because of my academic performance. My husband thinks I should definitely join and that it will look good to future colleges and employers alike.

Anyone else apart part of it? Thoughts? Pros cons

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