PHCC Fall 09 nursing school hopefuls

U.S.A. Florida


Hello all,

I'm applying for the Fall of 09 PHCC nursing program. I have a 3.923 gpa and still need to take the NET.

Will anyone from the spring let us know what there NET score was and how long you have been waitng to get into the program. When do we submit our applications? I have not been able to get an appointment with a counselor.

thanks in advance,



Listen, dont be discouraged b/c I applied to the jan. 09 lpn program and I to received a letter that I was put on the alternate list and a month later I got the call that they had a opening. I was the first on the list I was told. Most of my class was on the alternate list also. So you have a great chance at getting in!!! good luck!!! and keep us posted

Specializes in n/a.
Music Box Dancer - You are right everything does happen for a reason. I appreciate your kind words and I hope that soon I will be able to post "I got accepted".

One more note, I spoke to three LPN students today at the West Campus and they told me out of the 36 students who had been accepted in their class, only 18 were graduating. They stated the reason as the intense curriculum, but that several had dropped early on for other reasons. Although this must have been difficult for those that chose to leave, it is just the news you need to hear to keep your chin up.

I hope this helps.

Specializes in n/a.

Are you asking me a question regarding my last post? If so, what are you confused about?

I got accepted into both the Brooksville(day) and West(eve/weekend) LPN programs. I was a little disappointed at first, because I wanted RN- but I'm over it now. I just need to figure out the job situation, decide which one I'm going to go with and let financial aid know.. ugh, the stress!! Does anyone know the orientation dates?

Music box dancer,

What LPN class where you talking to?

Orientation for RN's is Aug 3 (8 am to 1pm) and LPN's is Aug 4

Specializes in n/a.
Music box dancer,

What LPN class where you talking to?

I spoke to three LPN students in the graduating class of 2009 at the West Campus yesterday. They were buying a snack at the bookstore and overheard me talking to the cashier about the Littman's stethoscopes under the counter. When they overheard I was going to the Aug. 09 RN program they started talking to me about their LPN curriculum. They assumed (not sure why) I was in the bridge program. I told them I had gotten into the RN General Track program "cold turkey". All three of them stated their class started out with 36 students and only 18 were graduating! I honestly thought I misunderstood so I asked for clarity. They told me the curriculum was so intense that nearly half hadn't made it through. A few students early on had dropped for other personal reasons early on. All three of them were very friendly and very positive about the wealth of knowledge they had gained, but it was the hardest thing they had ever done (scholastically speaking). One even commented that graduation still isn't a certainty for some because there was one more paper they needed to turn in.

I totally acknowledge those stats seem unbelieveable, but I heard it from the "horse's mouth" (so to speak). They were completely sincere, and appeared shocked themselves about their fellow students dropping out.

I did get into the LPN evening program and on the alternate list for the day program. I looked over the class schedule for evening and if I read it correctly, it looks as though we will work from home on Mondays and we don't go to school on Fridays. Of course we do have every other weekend but it's kind of nice to have 2 days at home during the week to study.

Has anyone who received an alternate position been notified? I'm just curious if PHCC has notified any alternates yet.

One more question. Is there a deadline as to when you have give notification accepting the seat you were given?

Has anyone who received an alternate position been notified? I'm just curious if PHCC has notified any alternates yet.

Hey Kee-

I'm not an alternate, but I did reject my acceptance to the eve/weekend program. I decided to go with the day program since it was more accommodating to my work schedule. On the LPN letters it said we had to confirm our acceptance by July 27th. (It actually had two contradicting dates on it: one said the 27th, the other the 23rd). So I would imagine that if PHCC hasn't already notified any alternates, they would notify them on or after that date (the 27th).

Probably not what you wanted to hear.. but at least its something?

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