PBSC Spring 2011 hopeful......

U.S.A. Florida


Applied to PBSC RN Program for Spring 2011. Playing the waiting game. I decided to apply to the Belle Glade Campus.....

Anju, I confirmed this with the nursing dept. you can wear ordinary clothes

FoodieJ. I also called the nursing dept. to confirm that that Belle Gladers will meet at Lake Worth this Wednesday for orientation.

Hi guys! It's almost time for nursing school, I'm in lake worth full time.

Anyone in pharmacology Nur 2140 on wed mornings?

Well see you all for orientation this wed... :)

Also, what was that tiny URL website That they told us to check out?

thank you chepherd!

Specializes in Emergency Room and Psych.
Hi guys! It's almost time for nursing school, I'm in lake worth full time.

Anyone in pharmacology Nur 2140 on wed mornings?

Well see you all for orientation this wed... :)

Hi melisalucky =)

I'm going to be there! I think it might be wise to get a study group going ASAP:uhoh3:.

Mars :D

Specializes in CVICU, CCU, MICU.
Anju, I confirmed this with the nursing dept. you can wear ordinary clothes

FoodieJ. I also called the nursing dept. to confirm that that Belle Gladers will meet at Lake Worth this Wednesday for orientation.

awesome chepherd!:yeah:

now if i could just finish unpacking my ordinary clothes that would be better...


also, what was that tiny url website that they told us to check out?

the link was pulled, and i did not get to print any of it. :crying2:

Hey everyone. I haven't posted in a bit. been busy with...well, you know...school stuff. Ha! Anyway, how does everyone feel about their first week? I am in the Part TIme program so our orientation was Thursday night since our pace is a little different. I absolutely LOVE our teacher and am really looking forward to diving in. I have been reading like a mad man all weekend. It's allot to take in. Especially with Pharm too...but we will all do it. I am freaked out, but in an excited kid sort of way (and I'm 39)...

Well good luck to everyone and I hope to see each and every one of you at the finish line!!

Are there any other part timers on this thread?

Hi melisalucky =)

I'm going to be there! I think it might be wise to get a study group going ASAP:uhoh3:.

Mars :D

Do you guys have a study group going? I am in 2140, but the hybrid class on Tuesday evenings. Could i join your study group if you do have one?

Hi melisalucky =)

I'm going to be there! I think it might be wise to get a study group going ASAP:uhoh3:.

Mars :D

Hey..I think your in my class. If so I will give you mine and you can copy it...

Phew! Frontloading has been a whirlwind! Is anyone else getting kind of floored by the fact that our first tests for both Pharm and Lecture are next week? I have barely delved into all the reading! I guess for those of you who are in class might be a little better prepared than me since I'm online so we don't have lectures to rely on, but still! SO MUCH READING @_@ I don't think I'm going to sleep again until summer break >.

Specializes in CVICU, CCU, MICU.

Your telling me rhaufler!!! its all a bit much. Which Pharm are you taking?

dont worry we are all in this together! Your not the only one feeling :uhoh3:

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