PBSC Spring 2011 hopeful......

U.S.A. Florida


Applied to PBSC RN Program for Spring 2011. Playing the waiting game. I decided to apply to the Belle Glade Campus.....

It was nice to meet some of you last night! If any of you live in the north end of the county are in the day program maybe we will end up in the same clinical sites :) If not, I'm sure we'll still all be seeing A LOT of each other while studying and such if it is as difficult as they kept stressing it to be!

i enjoyed the meet n' greet, and got to meet my professor, i'm already fond of her and also like my little belle glade group.

lol marsdgrove33133. i won the coveted book that everyone wanted. its first time i have ever won anything in my whole life....i'm sorry you didn't win the candy cane, hope you get one for christmas.

anju, remember that question you had about the nose piercing? well they said you can't wear it and if you have a visible tattoo, you have to cover it with some type of makeup.

chochino070. thanks for providing that information from tinyurl,com, this will surely guide me during school.

oh by the way, i got my uniforms today...... feeling really excited!!

yea i was there :) but thank you so much for looking out for me!



and check excessive credits?

Hey FoodieJ. Im sooo sorry for the delayed response. Ive been so busy between work here and going to melbourne every weekend to help with my mom.

The lady at financial aid gave me the form. She checked the excessive credit box for me. I think it would be approved regardless because on my approval notification it stated that it was approved cause nursing is a limited access program.

I hope you are able to get an approval.

Again, sorry for the delayed response.

Also, thank you to everyone who hoped my mom was doing better! That was very nice of you! I cant wait to meet everyone next week!!

I was able to order a few books online through amazon.com (the nurses drug guide 2011 and pharmacology for nurses). But that book for Nursing I (i heard its a bundle of books) that is like $328 and the other one for Nursing I thats $121.50, I cant seem to find them anywhere online. Is everyone getting those from the bookstore at school? or was anyone able to find them elsewhere for a better price?


Specializes in Emergency Room and Psych.

We are almost there! 8 more days! :eek:

marsdgrove33133, yes indeed, it's getting close! gosh, and that's next week!

so i made a couple trips to belle glade....here is the good part: with each visit, the journey seems to get shorter than the first one.

the bad part: i used half tank of gas for a round trip (to and from) and can now see why carpooling is a necessity. i also did not see any street lights on the highway. someone please tell me that they are there, and that i simply overlooked them.

anyhow, foodiej. i stopped by the school, it's a small campus but i like it. oh..also, the church is at pratt and whitney road.

anju, you must be all set for next week. i still have a few things to get a stethoscope, and a pair of white plain shoes, and then i am ready.

happy new year everyone :balloons:

to all lake worthers and belle gladers - i wish you success throughout this upcoming semester.

Hey everyone! I am just now checking out this site! Hope I'm posting in the right spot. I wish I would have known about this place sooner. I am doing the LW PT program. It's almost time to start! I have been looking over the books some & getting my syllubi, etc together. I'm excited & nervous!

Anju, you must be all set for next week. I still have a few things to get a stethoscope, and a pair of white plain shoes, and then I am ready.

lol almost! I still have to get my shoes :) Good luck everyone!

Specializes in CVICU, CCU, MICU.

wow we are sure counting down now guys...

so excited for everyone

so excited to see everyone and start!

Are we supposed to wear our uniforms on the first day of class or just regular clothes?

Specializes in CVICU, CCU, MICU.

I though reg clothes... and we are all going to the LW campus on wend right?

even us BGer's...?

I believe so. I get mixed answers about what to wear :(

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