PBS Frontline documentary on our current healthcare system. Discuss.

Nurses Activism


I found a really informative and thought provoking video from Frontline addressing many of the issues we are coming across in healthcare both as consumers and providers of healthcare.

I propose that this discuss be tentatively limited to that of the film. Enjoy!


Specializes in M/S, MICU, CVICU, SICU, ER, Trauma, NICU.

Another thing, and I would like a straight answer.

Does anyone ANYWHERE know what is in this bill? Does anyone, anywhere have any of it?

It would be good if someone could post it.

I also mean to add to all of this who are so pro-a-health-bill-they-haven't seen...do you guys sign contracts this way? Just accept it and don't read the fine print?

Really--for a house, a car, is that the way you all do business?

I'm just thinking --not a good thing, people.

Another thing, and I would like a straight answer.

Does anyone ANYWHERE know what is in this bill? Does anyone, anywhere have any of it?

It would be good if someone could post it.

I also mean to add to all of this who are so pro-a-health-bill-they-haven't seen...do you guys sign contracts this way? Just accept it and don't read the fine print?

Really--for a house, a car, is that the way you all do business?

I'm just thinking --not a good thing, people.

Here's a straight answer -- there isn't "A" bill yet. Several different committees in the House and Senate are working on proposals. Those will eventually have to be combined/reconciled into a single bill in the House and a single bill in the Senate. If the House and Senate each pass their final bills, a "mark-up" committee will have to combine and reconcile the two bills into a single, final bill to be passed on to the President for signing.

That's how all US legislation works. It's no secret, and it's v. easy to keep track in the news (of any stripe) of how the process is coming along.

What a great documentary...very interesting and informative! I am fortunate that I live in Canada and when my husband was going through cancer treatment we didn't have the added pressure of bills piling up and whether or not we'd lose our house. I wouldn't trade our healthcare system for anything.

Thank you for posting this video!:nuke:

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