I am not sure if this is unusal but it seems that in the hospital I work at I have had more patient complaints then I ever had before. The latest was a person who complained of SOB, tingling and a feeling of chest pressure. I checked vital they were ok, (unmonitored floor), I continued to monitor the patient and then called the doctor. The MD had me call the hospitalist. They came to see pt. ordered, chest x-ray, ct, blood gases, more blood work, ekg.
Everything was negative. However in the morning a second troponin was slightly elevtaed. An EMT with the family began telling them if the nurse, hospital knew what they were doing they would have known it was an MI?? I spoke to the MD later she said the only basis for considering this an MI was the troponin, no other test exam backed this up.
A complaint was made to the nurse manager stating I did nothing for the pt. Xrays, ct, abg, ekg etc. doesn't strike me as nothing. However the hospital chooses not to back staff rather tell the family that they will need to talk to the nurse. A second complaint was that the pt felt they didn't get adequate care at night, nothing specific, they never named a nurse but the nurse manager decided that since I had cared for her one day I must be the guilty party. I am a relatively new nurse and new to this floor, are these types of problems common at all hospitals? I alway thought I got along well with patients... I'm not sure anymore.