Past work history in hospital background check??

Nurses General Nursing


Hi all. I'm wondering if anyone knows if your past work history (pre-licensure) shows up on the background check that hospitals perform, OR is just for past criminal record/history?? :typing What all is included? Is it the same background check that we needed for school?

Thanx in advance!:up:

I[ll bet that Madoff guy would have had an excellent score.

i would usually agree that credit history/credit report is an indicator of integrity. however, nowadays, so many people are out of work due to no fault of their own that i take a different stance and would want more details if someone came up with a bad credit report and i wouldn't be so quick to judge.

indeed, it's not the end all be all of a person. just one part. sometimes a significant part.

i have to disagree, we all hit bad spots in our lives that may leave a mark on the credit report. i've been there, done that, and now am doing fine. i didn't lose my trustworthiness, responsibility nor integrity because i had some rough times in the past. i'm sorry you see it that way, but it just isn't something you can toss at anyone who does work hard, but hits tough times.

if we ran credit reports and someone had like 28 bad accounts that would surely point out irresponsibility and lack of integrity. that isn't a 'bad spot.'

if they have one or only a few bad marks like say a foreclosure and car loss or something all beginning at one time and there is evidence of them trying to fix it then maybe not so much..

on a side note, the precedent in america is that if you have bad credit you are untrustworthy, which is why some employers started running checks and many companies won't lend to you. that's not my feeling. that's just how it is.

i personally ruined my credit when i was 18. took a long time to fix it. according to corporations i was untrustworthy. to maintain my security clearance i had to implement a solution to the bad credit, or the army would also consider me untrustworthy, which i did.

now, i get loans based on my word. seems like the trustworthiness was restored. hmmm.

Specializes in critical care; community health; psych.

A credit check is a good indicator of whether there are any tax liens that might be subject to garnishment. If your wages were being garnished, would you bother showing up for work?

i disagree, credit a good indicator of financial planning and financial responsibility. not the same thing. i bet mother theresa had a poor fico score with her self employment and transient lifestyle.

but to the op, if they are going to run a credit check, they are required by the fair credit reporting act to:

1. get your written authorization.

2. the authorization must be on a separate sheet of paper.

so if you don't see that, they aren't going to run one.

i absolutely agree. i'm awesome with my finances..but you wouldn't know it by my credit score.

when i was 18, i had a very controlling ex who drove us into 2 cars being repossessed under

my name. i would have never signed anything to begin with..except for the fact that we literally

needed cars to get to work..or else, we were jobless.

it upsets me so much to think of how he, in malice, ruined my credit along with his

already crummy credit. i was only 19 @ the so much for that!

i was never the type to get credit cards or max out store cards. i haven't

gotten any of that for almost 5 years. i am now nearly 24.

i find it disturbing that my misfortune would be able to be brought up thru a credit check by a

potential employer. it's simply none of their business, and definitely not a good indicator

of character. it's a little evasive & inappropriate in my opinion.

bad credit does not mean i am going to steal from my company. i knew a girl who had perfect parents who bought her everything..and everyday, at the grocery store

i used to work at...she would nab $20-$60 out of the cash register. i have no idea how she

got away with it..but boy...she was rolling in dough for someone our age.

here i was, on the other hand, 17 years old,homeless, finishing my hs diploma, living in

a shelter, and suffering from medical problems..i never so much as took a penny. i can promise

on god by that.

Specializes in OR.

When I got first job in HH they had conducted a thorough backround check including accounts and credit score and your standing with the bank . I was a little put off by this but I guess this what have to do to get the job and I did .

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

I think it is perfectly reasonable for a potential employer to run a credit check. Not only does it give them information about a person's financial life, it also verifies the information they provided on their application and resume (or shows that they were not entirely truthful on those documents.)

However ... as with any informaton ... you can't draw too many conclusions on a just a little bit of information. You need to put that information in context before it should be used to make significant judgments about a person.

But you have to remember ... a potential employer is not in the business of making judgments about people just for the sake of making judgments. They are checking this sort of information to minimize their risks. They have several applicants for a job and they are looking to hire the people who can do the job and who pose the least amount of risk. Whether an applicant is a "good person" or not is not the only thing they care about. There are lots of "good people" out there. They are looking for the good people who also have a good track record that indicates they will be minimal risk employees.

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