Passing CCRN - My Preparation


Specializes in SICU.

Hey all, I just passed my CCRN (with a score of 111/125) and thought I would share my method of preparing.

I started studying a little over one month before the exam (while working full time) using the Educational Enterprises DVD - CCRN Review Cram with Laura Gasparis Vonfrolio. Once I made some headway into the DVD's I began using the CD that came with Pass CCRN by Donahoe Dennison. I took quizzes and read the rationale until I felt that I could comfortably complete quizzes with at least a 7/10 if not an 8/10. You will find many of the quiz questions to be very helpful for taking the CCRN. I did not find the need to take any 150 question practice quizzes. Be sure to take plenty of quizzes from the professionalism and ethical practice, as Laura does not touch on this area. Bottom line: as long as you study the Review Cram and do quizzes, you'll do great!

Best of luck!

Specializes in Neuro.

thank you so much for this advice. its good to see this combo is still working for everyone, i'm about to do the same thing. congratulations CCRN!


Specializes in Neuro.

which version of pass ccrn did you use?

Specializes in SICU.
Specializes in MICU/ Level I Trauma ER.

Congratulations I took mines monday and passed also. I usex the same exact method but I studied much longer than 1 month. But it still paid off :-)

Specializes in MICU, SICU, and transplants.

I am doing the Gasparis DVD and PASS CCRN regimen as well.

My question is about the cardiac portion of the CCRN - specifically 12-lead ECGs. Did anyone see a lot of this on the exam? I am very strong in pulmonary, renal, endocrine and moderate in neuro and cards. I just don't do the 12-leads that often and have to really work to pull it all together in that area. It'd be nice to know if I need to spend a ton of extra time on that subject or if my time would be better spent on general review.

ANY input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Specializes in CriticalCare.
Hey all, I just passed my CCRN (with a score of 111/125) and thought I would share my method of preparing.

I started studying a little over one month before the exam (while working full time) using the Educational Enterprises DVD - CCRN Review Cram with Laura Gasparis Vonfrolio. Once I made some headway into the DVD's I began using the CD that came with Pass CCRN by Donahoe Dennison. I took quizzes and read the rationale until I felt that I could comfortably complete quizzes with at least a 7/10 if not an 8/10. You will find many of the quiz questions to be very helpful for taking the CCRN. I did not find the need to take any 150 question practice quizzes. Be sure to take plenty of quizzes from the professionalism and ethical practice, as Laura does not touch on this area. Bottom line: as long as you study the Review Cram and do quizzes, you'll do great!

Best of luck!

Congratulations, FrankyStarling!

I am an 'information' fanatic.

If you want to sell those two products, please PM me with the price and method of payment (preferably paypal)

thanks, and congrats.

I hear it is a difficult exam even IF you did so well


i didnt really like 'cammy's' ccrn product from meded

their cen info is ok

i have their cpen info too, but ped-r-us is probably better, albeit less comprehensive (but more focused and entertaining)

i also purchased nclex review info by judy miller since it has been so long since i graduated from school

wingfield and cammanagement cfrn info--really the latter is a re-hash of the former, probably via permission

info fanatic, i said

Specializes in CriticalCare.
I am doing the Gasparis DVD and PASS CCRN regimen as well.

My question is about the cardiac portion of the CCRN - specifically 12-lead ECGs. Did anyone see a lot of this on the exam? I am very strong in pulmonary, renal, endocrine and moderate in neuro and cards. I just don't do the 12-leads that often and have to really work to pull it all together in that area. It'd be nice to know if I need to spend a ton of extra time on that subject or if my time would be better spent on general review.

ANY input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I own close to 10 EKG books.

If u DO want to learn basic 12 lead ekg, the single best book is 0781723272 by dale davis, IMO

yes, mary conover was way ahead of her time, but i would leave the rest of the books to those who really like to argue with the cardiologists regarding differential diagnosis.

I have taught 12lead ekg at the hospital, and again, that single book should provide the info u need for these kinds of exams

u may only need to review the BBB's, learn axis deviations, hypertrophies, and the MI section

be well

Specializes in Critical Care.

The Laura Gasparis CD's make the test easy as pie. Literally just about all of the topics on the exam were straight from her CD's. She's really funny, too, so you won't be bored! Listen to her CD's, take some practice questions (just to get in the "test mode") and you'll ace the exam!

I just pass the test today!!! Laura Gasparis is a godsend. I studied for a while (moved states) The Pass CCRN CD is great because of the rationales. At first, I began taking the 10 question quizzes daily and the mock 150 question exam once a week. During the last week of preparation, I began to do the mock exam everyday sometimes, twice a day. It has much more neuro than Laura covered in new version of the exam, so study that. Study Neuro signs and symptoms and what medication and their dosages. I am so excited!!!

what did yall score? I saw that passing score is 89... I still consider myself a new nurse, even though I've been working in the neuro ICU for about 1.5 years now (including my orientation). I've started reviewing the pass CCRN and am seriously considering getting the lauren gasparis questions, I'm giving myself about 3-4 or maybe even 5 months to study and review, but I'm still nervous! There are nurses who have been working 10+ years and they did not pass the first time!

Specializes in SICU.

I scored 111/125 (or 150, depending on how you look at it), passing is 89/150.

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