Passed CPNE in Utica- nice test site

Nursing Students Online Learning


I passed my CPNE in Utica, New York last weekend. It was a wonderful test site. I am so glad that I specifically chose Utica as my test site. If any of you will be testing there in the future, I can try to answer any questions you have about that test site from my experience. It really helps to take away any unknowns that you can to help reduce the stress!!

Specializes in Psych, LTC, Acute Care.
Hi, I'm thinking about EC but terrified of the CPNE. What was good about Utica? And how did you handle your nerves? Thanks.

I tested in Utica Dec 5-7. I liked the hopsital because they have a record of not having an abundance of Pediatric patients. I was terrified of having a pediatric patient and I think my prayers were answered when I got that site. Although don't go by that alone because there broke us up into 2 groups and the second group had a 10 month old. Our group had an Peds substitute(85 year old woman)The CE and CA were very nice and supportive and helped out alot. There are alot of great Sites out there but no matter where you go, you have to be prepared. We had 8 that started that weekend and 5 passed so it not just the site, its how well you prepare. As far as nerves, people do various things. I did not use any medication but some people need it. A little stress motiviates me to do my best but the nerves of the CPNE were multiplied 10X more. I used prayer and self talk. I kept saying "I can get through this, I know this". I also did alot of BREATHING, Taking in long deep breaths before I reacted or did anything.

Hi, I'm thinking about EC but terrified of the CPNE. What was good about Utica? And how did you handle your nerves? Thanks.

I'm not a nervous person by nature. However, a lot was hinging on my firs test in August and I put too much pressure on myself and failed. Largely, I failed because of a lack of experience in the hospital (I am a paramedic). I made stupid mistakes that the LPN's mostly would not make.

I would recommend finding some way of doing a mock PCS (which is the patient care scenario in the CPNE). I don't know if any companies offer this, but it could be set up relatively easily by someone who has been through the CPNE process. I would highly recommend that you do that, but if you can't. Use the video that Excelsior sends out showing the PCS (you have to buy it separately) and then visualize yourself going through each step. I wrote down EACH STEP on my PCS form (wash hands, introduce myself to patient, explain I's & O's, etc. -- were my first steps on each PCS. Don't fail for something stupid like I did the first time.

This second time after watching the DVD and knowing what it was like and finally arranging a few hours of hospital time the week before, I walked in confident, cool and collected. I walked out having passed everything first time through with no retakes. That's the way to go because there isn't as much pressure if you haven't failed because you can fail and retake.

Specializes in LTC.

Thanks for the great info. Have a great weekend.

Specializes in Cardiac.

YAY!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! Another CPNE survivor to add to the ranks!!! :yeah:

I tested in Utica Dec 5-7. I liked the hopsital because they have a record of not having an abundance of Pediatric patients. I was terrified of having a pediatric patient and I think my prayers were answered when I got that site. Although don't go by that alone because there broke us up into 2 groups and the second group had a 10 month old. Our group had an Peds substitute(85 year old woman)The CE and CA were very nice and supportive and helped out alot. There are alot of great Sites out there but no matter where you go, you have to be prepared. We had 8 that started that weekend and 5 passed so it not just the site, its how well you prepare. As far as nerves, people do various things. I did not use any medication but some people need it. A little stress motiviates me to do my best but the nerves of the CPNE were multiplied 10X more. I used prayer and self talk. I kept saying "I can get through this, I know this". I also did alot of BREATHING, Taking in long deep breaths before I reacted or did anything.

I didn't expect to have a pediatric patient either. Especially when the woman in front of me in the rotation in the morning had an adult substitute. Imagine my surprise when I was led to the pediatric floor. I was a bit shocked, but prepared. Still, when we checked a pulse oximeter to see if it was working, my pulse rate was 91. My normal resting is around 55.

I just tried to relax and do it. The most difficult part was getting a nursing diagnosis for a baby who was admitted with a fever and is now afebrile. I ended up getting my nursing diagnosis (plural) and started implementation. I just had to do abd assessment, respiratory assessment, v.s. and comfort measures. The baby was sleeping so the whole thing took only 20 mins. It was TOO EASY!

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