Passed my adult/gero AANP boards!!


I was reading this so much while I was studying and just wanted to post my own experience. First of the forums were both helpful and hurtful. There was definitely some good advice and ideas which was helpful. The hurtful part came with the people posting that they studied a lot and didn't pass, definitely lowered my confidence and put fear in me! . So here was my experience... I graduated from Georgia State University in December of 2016. I kind of lollygagged and took my time with signing up and studying. I'll I didn't really seriously study until 2 weeks before my exam date. I did the Barkley Review home study--which is AMAZING. It was seriously so good. It's like he knew all of my weakest areas or the types of things that I get confused and get broke it all down for me. His review was honestly the only source I used to study. I have Like and Fitzgerald's review books but I didn't really use them to study for the boards. After listening to all of the CDs (which I took notes on the review guide as he lectured) I went back and reviewed everything in the review guide and took extra notes on an additional notebook of areas I was weak in. I did a couple apea practice quizzes before finishing the review and made high 60s... after I finished the review and studied I took the predictor test and made a 76 which predicts that you'll pass. That boosted my confidence. The exam itself was similar to the apea tests, I feel. Some questions were challenging and between 2 answers and some were straightforward. It took me about 2.5 hours to answer all 150 questions. I'm so ecstatic that I passed!!! If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask!!

Specializes in Adult Nurse Practitioner.

Congratulations! The worst is over :angrybird12:

Thank you!!!! I feel soooooo relieved now!!!! Lol

Wooohoooo! Now the real fun begins!

Congrats! I too just passed the Adult Gerontology AANP exam.. there were a mix of very difficult and easier questions. I used Leik review book, and APEA live review. The two helped tremendously! I also listened to Barkley CDS in the car, for about a year off/on. í ½í¸ Such a relief! I also prayed a lot!

Specializes in Hospitalist Medicine.
Specializes in ED.

Congrats on passing.

I just took ANCC and did not pass. I got so many questions on a topic I don't think we spent more than 15 minutes talking about in school; TPN and tube feedings.

Does anyone have any insight on taking ANCC again or trying to take AANP? I'm in Alabama and might consider a travel assignment at some point but not anytime soon.

CONGRATS!!! I had to take the ANCC Gero test twice coz I didn't seriously study the first time around. I definitely would suggest ordering study guides/CD's for anyone who wants to take the test. And I also stayed at a nearby hotel so I didn't have to commute to the testing center. Now the ANCC Gerontological NP certification is not around anymore, but the equivalent Adult Cert is good too. Now, your job is to maintain certification every 5 years. Make sure you turn in your re-application forms 6 months before expiration (or whenever they say), otherwise you take the test again. I just make sure I have all 150 units of CEU's q 5 years they require, and now I'm on my 15th year as a ANCC GNP-BC (There are other pathways for reapplication, not just CEU's but I'm not published nor do I precept at this time).

congrats! what was your experience like at Ga State? were all of your classes online?

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