Published Jan 4, 2015
12 Posts
Hi there guys, I need some tips/help because I'm planning to take NCLEX Rn early this year. I graduated last 2008 in the Philippines and I want to make it on my first try and i dont know what to do first:(
15 Posts
Buy the Kaplan NCLEX-RN book and study from there! :)
Ben, RN
Thank you Ben,RN:).. Im really not that confident,..Is that the only book you used before?
MercedesBaseyScottRN, MSN
1 Article; 73 Posts
If you haven't been in school since 08 and went to a non US nursing school I suggest you taking a full review course (Kaplan or Hurst or other options) because since 08 lots have things have changed.
11 Posts
which state are you planning to take your test? RN?,LVN?
You can certainly take the Kaplan classroom prep course as well. I only bought the Kaplan NCLEX-RN book to study as I was a LPN prior to that, so I felt I didn't need the classroom portion. In any case, the NCLEX-RN exam was hard, but I do think that knowing how to answer the questions is important in passing the exam, so the Kaplan book really did help me!
Good luck!
Benjamin, RN
Thank you for the brilliant idea..Yes you are right.:)
yes You are right mbaseyscott..thank you for the suggestion
Hi patty1421,im planning to take NCLEX RN here in VA. how about you?
22 Posts
@aiampinay85 hey! I lived here in VA and also graduated 2008 in the philippines. planning to take my exam this mid january. how far are you on your review?
88 Posts
hi kabayan, i took my exam last march 2014, i graduated too in the phil in year 2013, i utilized saunders 5th ed the yellow book, read the entire book and know the content then do all the practice questions in there most especially the SATA type of questions. i also used kaplan 2008-2009 ed (bought in recto manila for 500php ), it will teach you how to strategize on selecting answers and how to eliminate , but that would only be your last resort tho, it'd be safer if you know the content so you can rationalize on your own during the test proper. goodluck kabayan! :)
Im taking my LPN here in california. Just make sure that they are not requiring you to "study" again/ take your courses again in your state. i dont know if you already heard about that here in california they are requiring ALL foreign graduate(esp FILIPINOS) to RETAKE med-surg and OB-peds i believe. The reason for the retake was because in Philippines, we do THEORY FIRST and then clinicals is done the next semester (some schools in PH). and the board of nursing doesn't want that, they wanted THEORY AND CLINICAL ROTATION to be done in the same semester, they want it to be done hand-in hand. Lets say you did your PEDS theory on 4th year 1st semester, clinical rotation must also be done on that 1st semester. people encouter problem taking nclex HERE IN CALIFORNIA if they did peds theory on 4th yr 1st sem and clinical rotation on 4th year 2ND SEM. (i hope you got what i mean) Also there was a RUMOR, well it has been confirmed ALREADY-you can check it in the fraud list in california BON that few filipinos made some "anumalya" with their diploma and transcript in recto/quiapo/tabi-tabi. But then they were able to pass the NCLEX exam.