pasadena city college rn program fall 2013

U.S.A. California


has anyone applied to pasadena's rn program for fall 2013? has anyone been accepted into east pasadena's rn program? if so what was your pre-reqs grades? mines aren't all that great that's why i am so worried i will not get in because my pre-reqs gpa is only i even have a chance at getting in? please stressed out :( im not a bad student... i just don't have the time to study like im supposed to...i am a working full time single mother with two children and couldn't dedicate my time to so much studying...i was lucky if i even got 10 hours of studying a week

Congrats everyone who got accepted! I hope I receive an email by Monday :)

Specializes in Cardiac/ surgical.

CONGRATS I moved from Sac for school too! I guess us Nor Cal girls are lucky!!

CONGRATS I moved from Sac for school too! I guess us Nor Cal girls are lucky!!

Really!? That is awesome! How do you like it down there?

Congrats to everyone who received letters today! Lucky! I am feeling so discouraged right now, I just pray Monday is my day. Just curious, was this anyone's first time applying and they got in?

Congrats, folks! I got an email this afternoon as well. Yay! To those who are still waiting, hang in there; last year, they didn't send out rejection emails until the class was totally filled. I know because I didn't get mine until mid-June.

Congrats to everyone who received letters today! Lucky! I am feeling so discouraged right now I just pray Monday is my day. Just curious, was this anyone's first time applying and they got in?[/quote']

It was my first time applying... Keep your chin up! There's still Monday!

Congrats to everyone that got in!! You all are very lucky and blessed...I'm still waiting and its very heartbreaking...I'm feeling so discouraged now

Hey I understand the pressure and stress on waiting to hear. I really hope you guys get in. For me, PCC is not an ideal school because i live in Anaheim (one hour away), so I hope on getting into a school closer here. Don't give up hope, and keep praying and fighting.

Thank you for your kind words...I really appreciate it

Thank you for your kind words...I really appreciate it

You still have Monday and still ELAC to hear back from. Plus you're an alternate at Cerritos so if anything, you have all the reason to keep your hopes up. Plus there are many schools with apps opening on August so the worst that can happen is you losing hope. There will be good days ahead and you're not alone. Although I got into PCC, there's a whole set of worries for me such as loans housing family and more. Trust me worries will find you at whatever place you're in, so have faith and be strong to challenge life with a smile.

You still have Monday and still ELAC to hear back from. Plus you're an alternate at Cerritos so if anything, you have all the reason to keep your hopes up. Plus there are many schools with apps opening on August so the worst that can happen is you losing hope. There will be good days ahead and you're not alone. Although I got into PCC, there's a whole set of worries for me such as loans housing family and more. Trust me worries will find you at whatever place you're in, so have faith and be strong to challenge life with a smile.

Thank you again! You are very motivating and i need that right faith is always there. Somedays its stronger than others and some days its minimal...but i need to snap out if it and challenge life with a smile like you said...God has his plans for me..its only a matter of time and i gota keep my faith strong and not ever give up!

It was my first time applying... Keep your chin up! There's still Monday!

So does this mean if i dont get an email monday, its most likely that i was rejected? :(

Congrats, folks! I got an email this afternoon as well. Yay! To those who are still waiting, hang in there; last year, they didn't send out rejection emails until the class was totally filled. I know because I didn't get mine until mid-June.

Should i be worried if i dont get an email on monday? Wow it took them that long to send a rejection email? They cant just let us know by monday if we werent selected? In other words, if i dont get an email on monday telling me i was selected for admission or an alternate, then it most likely means that i was rejected? Please advise

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