Pasadena City College Fall 2014 Application

U.S.A. California



I applied at PCC for their fall 2014 generic application and is just curious if anyone who has applied received any acceptance emails yet? Also I was told that if I have not taken the TEAS yet and if accepted to the program I have two weeks to take it. Is it best to take it before knowing if you're in the program or wait until the acceptance email?

Thank you!

Keep us posted on the Orientation date. I might just show up =)

Lol will do!


Congrats!!! When did you receive your alternate email and time? I think I got my alternate email the same day you did but at the end of the day. I want to take a guess if I would be next on the list if someone else drops! ahhh! It's making me so nervous! Have you taken the TEAS yet?

Thanks hun! It was May 15th at 2:30pm lol and yup I took the teas... last year actually in October. Hated it. So glad it's over lol

Ok I just got a call from PCC. I'm not sure if they have different orientation dates but the guy told me Thursday June 26th 1-4 pm at the CEC

Ok I just got a call from PCC. I'm not sure if they have different orientation dates but the guy told me Thursday June 26th 1-4 pm at the CEC

So that makes me think they will probably call people up until that date....I'm holding my breathe for a phone call! lol!

So that makes me think they will probably call people up until that date....I'm holding my breathe for a phone call! lol!

I would assume the same thing. Just keep breathing lol and good luck! ?

Good luck to those that got in! As for the rest of us alternates all I can say is to stay positive, the phone call will eventually come!

Good luck to those that got in! As for the rest of us alternates all I can say is to stay positive, the phone call will eventually come!

I wish everyone could get into whichever school they wanted to get into... Not realistic but still! Lol

Anyone have an update?

Dont lose hope alternates! Im currently in the program, and 2 alternates were called in even after the first week the program had started. I hope to see some of you guys/girls soon!


Thank you! How are you liking the program so far?

Dont lose hope alternates! Im currently in the program, and 2 alternates were called in even after the first week the program had started. I hope to see some of you guys/girls soon!

Hey there! Any advice for the new students?

I will be speaking at the orientation on the 26th of this month, I'm not sure how much time they're allowing me to speak up there. The best advice I can give is if you know that you are in the program for sure, upon receiving your acceptance letter via email, you are asked to complete a ton paperwork for clinical purposes, DO NOT lag these documents. Most of these need to be processed, its not a one- step thing. You also have to make copies! A lot of alternates failed to do this and lost their original copy because they missed out on this little information due to the fact that alternates dont get to go to orientation. In terms of studying habits, if you were once the type who would cram their reading materials, that needs to change. There is absolutely no way around it, whatever you're asked to read since day 1 are materials that you have to remember 2 years later when you have to take your NCLEX, or even on the 4th semester when theory final is cumulative starting from the things you learned in 1st sem. No, I'm not kidding. The very reason why cramming will not work is because it is not conducive to retaining all the heavy info. Remember, repetition and thorough understanding of the material is the KEY on how to get these somewhat stuck in your brain. It is hard work, but if your heart is in it, then it is less painful, or so I think. PCC RN program really is one of the better SON (School of Nursing) out there. In my opinion, if you got a seat in a RN program whether it be in a CC or University, JUST TAKE THE SPOT, so long as it isn't a private college. There really is a lot more to say, but ill take questions as they come, and will try to answer them the best I can.

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