I love most of my parents, but I have a few pet peeves that really irk me, such as:
1) Parents who insist that you not wake their child during the night "for any reason" despite the fact that they have q4h vitals and assessments, meds given throughout the night, and an IV that's on the fritz.
2) Parents who allow their child to scream and throw a temper tantrum at midnight (waking up all the other kids on the floor) because the child does not want to put on oxygen, take a med, get a stat lab draw, etc.
3) Threatens their kid with shots (from me!) if he/she doesn't cooperate with cares
4) Allows their baby (or young child) to cry because they are in pain, threw up, wet the bed, etc and does not make a move from their cot to console them. However, they do manage to shout instructions from five feet away every time you go in the room!
5) Allow your child to hit, kick, bite or otherwise physically or verbally abuse me without saying a word. Just because you allow your child to call you a b**** at home doesn't mean that I should have to tolerate it.
6) Tell your child that he/she does not have to take a med, have an IV inserted, etc if the kid protests even a little. Your child is in the hospital for a reason, and if you set the expectation that your kid will cooperate, he or she is much more likely to do so
I would like to give every parent a few hints. First, I am not and will never be a punishment. If you wish to discipline your child for not cooperating, leave me out of it.
We are not a free nanny service. We do not appreciate you sitting by shouting orders at us to do routine cares for your child while you lounge on the sofa.
Your child looks to you to determine how he/she should act, so if you are going to cry or have a nervous breakdown please step in the hallway. The last thing we need is for the kid to have a meltdown too!
and finally- your child likely only met me 2 HOURS AGO. The chances of me being able to console him or her in the middle of the night are SLIM TO NONE. Therefore, I suggest that if he or she is crying during the night you show a little bit of empathy, get out of bed and give your kid a hug!
Ok, stepping down off my soapbox. Does anyone else want to share?