Now I have heard many of you talk on here about having been/are a paramedic/EMT, or your spouse was/is a paramedic/EMT and have one big question (with several smaller ones, too) for you all out there. I am starting nursing school this fall and am so excited about it. I also volunteer in my spare time as a volunteer firefighter and love the adrenaline rush, while helping others. With your experience, is there one career (RN/Paramedic/EMT) that is "better" than the other? I still plan on continuing with nursing school, but I also enjoy the fast-paced, think-on-your-toes environment. Which do you feel is/was more enjoyable?
Which one is allowed to do more? I know each has its limitations, but...
I have also heard that Paramedics and RN's make similar amounts of money. Is this true? Whick has more autonomy? Whick is valued more among the medical community? (i.e. Is there one that is looked down on more?)
Thanks in advance.