Published Mar 6, 2007
2 Posts
I took the NCLEX exam in Feb and failed my nerves are working overtime. Please, anyone who could give me some advice on how to regroup and study to take the exam again. During the first exam i got all 265 questions and began freaking out and did not take one break when offered. I took the Kaplan course and did all the questions in the study bank. I got a short analysis back and it stated i was "near passing" in all categories. I have already started studying content and medications. Then to top it off NCLEX will be more difficult after April 10th. I have the Sanders NCLEX prep and Kaplan. All advice is welcomed, anything to help me pass this exam.
thank you,
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Greetings,I took the NCLEX exam in Feb and failed my nerves are working overtime. Please, anyone who could give me some advice on how to regroup and study to take the exam again. During the first exam i got all 265 questions and began freaking out and did not take one break when offered. I took the Kaplan course and did all the questions in the study bank. I got a short analysis back and it stated i was "near passing" in all categories. I have already started studying content and medications. Then to top it off NCLEX will be more difficult after April 10th. I have the Sanders NCLEX prep and Kaplan. All advice is welcomed, anything to help me pass this exam.thank you,Desperato
Try to relax and study in a steady manner, Check out the NCLEX forum there may be some tips for you which should help
thanks, will do.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,863 Posts
Nice to meet you. Welcome! Good luck to you. :)
83 Posts
"Near passing" indicate that you need to reinforce these areas that you are near passing. Spend more time in those particular areas. Practice a many questions as you can and make sure you go over each rationale. Don't overwhelme yourself with too many questions in one day. I used to do no more than 100/day. Sometimes 75 or 50. Good luck and be consistent with your study habit/routine. You'll be okay :)