Pagan in a Catholic Hospital...


So I am a bit nervous. I was just offered a job that sounds very exciting in a place that is on my bucket list. My only real concern is that it is the ONLY place there to work, and it's a Catholic hospital. I grew up Catholic. They don't generally bother me. I am pagan however. I feel no need to flaunt it or push it. That is not who I am. I am just hoping that if someone asks and I am honest or if someone in the community finds out that I am pagan, it doesn't cause a problem. Has anyone ever encountered this sort of thing?

I'm half tempted to start another thread about anything "Christian or Jesus oriented" to see you show up with the Christian bashing business. I'm pretty sure you hung out in these threads under a different user name while back?

I don't know who you spoke about. I stand with what I said to offlabel before. Had I known that she is a Christian, I would have not bothered to reply to her.

I made the same mistake with 2 other threads. I should not butt in where I am not wanted.

You can keep this message as an evidence of what I said. Feel free to post whatever about your religion. I notice your name. I promise I would not respond to you. If you see me do that, you can report me. I won't complain. I have no interest in religious conversations with Christians anyway. They almost always turn into proselytization.

I don't care what you believe or don't believe. Time and again you have shown yourself to be rude and condescending to whoever even dares explain him/herself -- if that said explanation deters even a bit off your personal world-view. I will never post anything of spiritual significance in theses threads. This is certainly no "safe place". I feel sorry for people who do.

No argument from me. This forum is no loner a safe place for religious minorities. If it's not an evangelical Christian's attempt to declare "sin" among non believers, it would be "cosmological argument" from some atheists.

I wish there were sub forums for each religious group so that I can avoid Christian nurse forum, Muslim nurse forum, atheist nurse forum. I can choose the the right place to connect with people I like.

I guess it's an extra effort from administrator.

Even in threads started by Christians.... you are there - "I don't need no Yaweh....Christians rule america, I know Bible can't tell me anything -- I know it all" (my liberties in paraphrasing -- but pretty close, yes?) blah blah blah.

Not really. You are correct about me posting 2 other threads started by an evangelical nurse and a Mormon nurse. I should have not gone there.

Pretty much Christians are delusional [fill in expletive of your choice]. I get it -- maybe we all get it by now, so you don't have to repeat the same mantra in every thread. But maybe it's a need you have. Like I felt the need to post this. But no worries -- it's just this once.

Actually, I don't think Christians are delusional. I don't remember ever saying that. Ordinary Christians are the ones I like to be around. My cousin is one of those. My family made a fuss about her becoming a Christian. She did not even talk about it or attempted to convert anyone. She simply lived her life as normally as she always had. It is just that her faith helped her through some personal issues. Unfortunately, that became a problem to other family members. I stood by her and defended her from them because she is a respectable Christian. The moment she began to offer her salvation without my consent, she would be fair game just like Christians in this thread. Fortunately, she has yet done that, so we are in good terms. If Christians could behave like that in this forum, I would not bother to respond.

Post as many as you wish. I know what faith you follow now. I promise I won't bother you. As I said, I don't want to debate with Christians. Certainly, I would mention your name with someone else who shares similar spiritual view as I do. I definitely have no interest in correcting you. I made that mistake with offlabel, whom I did not check her religious affiliation. That opened the flood gate for NurseCard to "save me from hell", for Daisy4RN to teach me about her sometimes offering if she feels it might be appropriate (whatever that means), for mtmkjr to perform her William Lane Craig's cosmological argument for Jesus. I made an idiot move, and OP had to received notification from these nonsensical posts. I feel bad about that.

To the Pagan nurse OP: I wouldn't sweat it. You'll be fine. Just don't get offended if people say something about pagans. There's a lot about you people can't "see" by just looking at you or being around you professionally. They may not be able to determine your political or religious views or even correctly identify you ethnicity. They may not know your sexual preferences. So there's a lot of break-room chit chat and what not that you could find offensive (and no one realized they were being offensive).

Even if you wear your pagan-ness on your sleeve -- someone might forget or they still might feel at liberty to express a view-point about it. Let it roll off your back and keep trucking. I'm not saying you should excuse it if someone becomes discriminatory against you because of it -- but just in casual, personal ways.

I'm sure you already know all that. I've been around awhile. Worked in Catholic and secular organizations. Was told I couldn't write a Bible verse on the nurse's station white board at the Catholic hospital. Was told nicely by my Christian boss to refrain from writing verses on board. I was young and idealistic and thought I was being encouraging. Turns out not everyone felt encouraged. Fair enough. I learned from it.

You're going to be fine. Your employers (most likely) do not want you to feel threatened or uncomfortable regardless of your religion. We live in a global culture. Everyone needs to feel OK when they are at work. Granted I've only worked big city, diverse population hospitals... so if you're in back-woods, USA -- you might (unfortunately) have more issues? I hope not.

Best to you in your new job!

This is what I consider good advice. Hopefully OP could see this.

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.

That opened the flood gate for NurseCard to "save me from hell", for Daisy4RN to teach me about her sometimes offering if she feels it might be appropriate (whatever that means), for mtmkjr to perform her William Lane Craig's cosmological argument for Jesus. .

Wrong! I was not trying "to teach" you anything. My first post was directed to the OP (where that comment was made that you are quoting). My second post was directed to another poster (mtmkjr).

I only quoted you and posted directly to you after you used my name in your post (I guess because you didn't like what I said).

Many times here threads go off in a different direction and most people understand that. I am sure the OP gets that but if the OP was offended in some way I am sure they could say so themselves. My first post was meant to be helpful to the OP and whether or not you think it was (helpful) is your opinion, but that doesn't (necessarily) mean it wasn't helpful to the OP.

Many times here threads go off in a different direction and most people understand that. I am sure the OP gets that but if the OP was offended in some way I am sure they could say so themselves. My first post was meant to be helpful to the OP and whether or not you think it was (helpful) is your opinion, but that doesn't (necessarily) mean it wasn't helpful to the OP.

I made that comment on your 2nd post. Without it, I would not think about that line in your first post. I experienced the same "I will sometimes offer if I feel it might be appropriate but never try to push off anything on patients who say no" in an ESL class in college. I was not the only one who had that trigger warning. I keep wondering what makes Christians think that other religious people have a lack of something that only their god can fill in.

I do hope OP found your post helpful. I don't speak on her behalf. Whether or not she was offended, I know that pagans tended to receive bad reputation due to the name they associate with. I am not surprised if she does not dare to speak up even here. There are only few pagan spirituality threads, and they got hijacked by Christians. If you look at topic "Are you a nurse with "alternative" spiritual beliefs?", you can see that.

Do you remember what happened with the satanic invocation protest at Pensacola City Council meeting? Many Christians perceive pagans the same as this group. Not that there is anything wrong with satanism. However, there are numerous practices under paganism umbrella. It's not fair that people like OP are seen as a target to be "saved". I find that really upsetting, particularly after what NurseCard said.

Having said that, it is all my fault. I should have not responded to that question from offlabel, which turns minority group into an oppressor. You see how defensive she quickly became.

I said this before. When I know who is a Christian in this forum, I would not respond to them. I got enough so-called "good news" in college and my old place. I even got it from George W. Bush at the oath of allegiance ceremony, which was fine because I was naturalized under his term. I had no other choice, right?

Therefore, you will not see me address anything directly at you in this or other threads. I may mention your name with the other poster so that he/she knows where I get my idea. I am not interested in zipping Christians' mouth.

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Specializes in Hospice.
What is skyclad?



That's funny. I remember one Charmed episode featuring witches getting naked on the Equinox. I like that show. However, I know that the show did not present the most accurate image of Wiccans and pagans just like Harry Potter. Many elements were still under the influence of Abrahamic belief.

Even an entertaining show is like that. Then I can see why OP is nervous about working in a Christian-based setting.

Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.
What is skyclad?


Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.
That's funny. I remember one Charmed episode featuring witches getting naked on the Equinox. I like that show. However, I know that the show did not present the most accurate image of Wiccans and pagans just like Harry Potter. Many elements were still under the influence of Abrahamic belief.

Even an entertaining show is like that. Then I can see why OP is nervous about working in a Christian-based setting.

I've lost count of the amount of earnest christians who tell me Harry Potter is an acurate representation of witchcraft

Yea, sure, I wave my magic wand and make feathers fly and theres really a goblin bank full of gold, silver and bronze under london

Specializes in Med/Surge, Psych, LTC, Home Health.

I left this forum and came back a few days later. Wow.

Vetpharmtech, you've mentioned my name and my post about six times.

I only posted ONCE. And that was simply to share my experience, what my

church teaches, and perhaps why Christians try to "save" others. That's

it. I also said that I'm *NOT* comfortable prostle.. prostle... I can't spell

that damn word... TEACHING the "good news", because.. well I don't

know why. It just makes me uncomfortable. So for you to keep calling

me out is very unfair of you.

You are very much a prime example of why Christians are the ones

that are feeling persecuted in this country these days, much more

than anyone of any other faith. It's true.

I left this forum and came back a few days later. Wow.

Vetpharmtech, you've mentioned my name and my post about six times.

I only posted ONCE. And that was simply to share my experience, what my

church teaches, and perhaps why Christians try to "save" others. That's

it. I also said that I'm *NOT* comfortable prostle.. prostle... I can't spell

that damn word... TEACHING the "good news", because.. well I don't

know why. It just makes me uncomfortable. So for you to keep calling

me out is very unfair of you.

You are very much a prime example of why Christians are the ones

that are feeling persecuted in this country these days, much more

than anyone of any other faith. It's true.

Feel persecuted as much as you want. You are not going to earn sympathy from me. You lost that right when you believe that people like me deserve a fate worse than death only because I don't believe in your god. If my values built outside Christianity mean nothing without your god's approval, why should I respect you or your belief system?

Moreover, you butt in my conversation with offlabel. I said this before, and I will repeat: I don't butt in where I'm not wanted. You post whatever about Jesus elsewhere, go ahead. I wouldn't bother to look at it. You direct your comment at me; therefore, I responded.

I mentioned your name to make a point with other people. I only spoke with you directly once. I don't have an interest in debating with you. I only want to know about pagans in this thread.

Whatever your church teaches you is none of my business, and it is not an excuse for you to convert me.

Texas newspaper removed same-sex couple from obit for 'religious and ethical reasons' | News | Dallas News

Yeah, right. Poor Christians for being persecuted. I get it: losing the privilege to shove your faith down people's throat is persecution. I will support this persecution as long as I can take a breath and am still an American citizen.

You are very much a prime example of why Christians are the ones

that are feeling persecuted in this country these days, much more

than anyone of any other faith. It's true.

I don't give any religious group a pass. If a Muslim behaves the way you do, I would give that person the same response. I may receive death threat from him, but I don't care. Same thing with Wiccan, Buddhist, Sikh, Zoroastrian, even atheist.

The reality is that ONLY CHRISTIANS attempt to proselytize other people. NO BODY from other religious does that. At least I have yet seen an incident. They are the ones who understand what boundary and respect truly mean.

Even on allnurses, show me one example where a Muslim nurse tries to talk non Muslims into believing in the koran, a pagan nurse tries to talk non pagans into worshiping Odin, a Sikh nurse tries to talk non Sikh into wearing a turban, a Jewish nurse tries to talk non Jews into obeying Noahide laws, a Buddhist nurse tries to talk non Buddhists into following 4 noble truths, a Shinto nurse tries to talk non Shinto to worship the sun goddess, a Greek pantheon nurse tries to talk non heathens to worship Zeus, a Zoroastrian nurse tries to talk non Zoroastrians to worship Ahura Mazda,...

Can you even do that?

I can show you numerous examples where Christian nurses try to talk people into worshiping Jesus.

I am so unfair, aren't I?

I've lost count of the amount of earnest christians who tell me Harry Potter is an acurate representation of witchcraft

Yea, sure, I wave my magic wand and make feathers fly and theres really a goblin bank full of gold, silver and bronze under london

Is that how Christians picture what you do when you reveal that you are a pagan?

I heard that Christians in school make a fuss about reading Harry Potter as literature.

Supposedly OP is a fan of Harry Potter, I wonder how her Catholic colleagues would view her. I know that I would be scared if I was in her shoes or yours.

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