Published Apr 24, 2008
109 Posts
Hi all,
I am doing yet another paper, and wondered if any overseas nurses could help with a survey I am doing. I currently have had 6 nurses help me out so far, but I need much more
1. Country recruited from_________
2. Did you use an agent in the country you were recruited from
3. Did you have to pay the agent a fee?
3. Did you receive a job description & skills checklist before interviewing with the UK hospital
4. Were you interviewed in person or video conference
5. Did you have more than one interview
6. Who helped you gain registeration
7. How long did it take to get your registeration?
8. Did you receive orientation material before coming to the UK
9. Were your flights paid for?
10. Did your family come with you when you first arrived?
11. If not when did they come to the UK?
12. Were your family's flights paid for?
13. Was accomodtion paid for you ? For your famly?
14. If so for how long?
15. Did you recieve a stipend when you arrived?
16. If so, how much, and for how long?
17. How long did your adaptation take?
18. How many nurses came over with you?
19. Out of the group that came to the UK, how many have returned home?
20 Out of the group that came to the UK, how may have gone to the US or Australia/New Zealand?
21. How long was your orginal contract?
22. How would you rate nursing in the UK? Scale 1 -10
23. How would you rate the support you recieved at your job? scale 1 -10
24. WOuld you recommend to your friends back home to live and work in UK?
25. Was moving to the UK a good career decision for you
26. WHy, why not?
27. DO you think you have been able to positively influence nursing on your unit?
28. In what ways?
Many thanks
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Since there is a hiring freeze going on in the UK concerning hiring of foreign nurses, you may wish to look at another topic, because the results are essentially obsolete at this time.
Foreign nurses are no longer being recruited as they cannot obtain visas to work there.
1 Article; 3,019 Posts
There are still many overseas nurses working here though Suzanne so UKpeds may get some of the answers she needs, it may not give anything for nurses recruited recently but may give for those who were recruited in the last 5 years maybe.
I guess it just depends on what type of information is wanted
The information I am looking for is from nurses who were recruited here in the UK about 4-5 years ago. So whether there is a freeze or not, is irrelevent to how nurses were recruited and how they feel they were treated.
Also for your information, there is not a complete freeze.
Hey Sharrie - where did you train?
There is a freeze if they do not have significant experience. A new grad is not going to get a visa to work there. Unless they have experience in either PICU or NICU, it is almost impossible to get a visa now to work there as an RN.
And you did not put what range of stay of nurses that you were looking for, and that is what I was resonding to.
The information I am looking for is from nurses who were recruited here in the UK about 4-5 years ago. So whether there is a freeze or not, is irrelevent to how nurses were recruited and how they feel they were treated.Also for your information, there is not a complete freeze.Hey Sharrie - where did you train?
As Suzanne has said there is a freeze in place unless you have specific skills, and even within these skills most trusts will not approve a work permit, I know my trust won't even process an application unless it is UK / EU resident and UK takes priority. If you want to recruit from outside you really have to justify it.
As far as your questions it may be usefull to post the aims of your study and inclusion / exclusion criteria so that anyone who may want to help would know your selection criteria.
I trained in Wales a very very long time ago
54 Posts
It depends on how you define overseas. Some Britains include "continental Europe" as overseas.
628 Posts
hey, continental europe is overseas, thats what the word---means over the sea, and britain is urrounded by water, "once a brit always a brit", you wont catch me calling myself european !
Thanks for that, I am starting to feel that my postings are being critizised on this site, having worked 'overseas' my self, having worked in UK, US and Peru, I should know that although we speak English, we don't all speak the same English.
I wanted input from Nurses who came to work in the UK from any other country.
i would have given you the input, but its the wrong way around, i am from the uk to the us, and i know plenty of nurses who came here and we have all had different experiences, so if you do catch the nurses who came to the uk from somewhre else it would be interesting to know just how hard it was for them to get into the uk, because its not easy getting into the us.
Thanks for that, I am starting to feel that my postings are being critizised on this site, having worked 'overseas' my self, having worked in UK, US and Peru, I should know that although we speak English, we don't all speak the same English. I wanted input from Nurses who came to work in the UK from any other country.
It is not a point of criticizing you so do not take it that way, but the fact that it is almost impossible to get a visa to work in the UK now if one is not at least from the EU.
I do not want others getting the idea that it is still something easy to do, actually the government there is not even renewing temporary work visas for those that have been there for several years that did not get permanent residency while they have been there.
So asking a question about something that is no longer being done, just does not make sense to me and offers false hope to others that just does not exist any longer. There are many in the UK that are unable to find work and they are UK citizens, that is why the push for some to get to the US.
Do not take it personally, but with all of the issues going on in the UK right now with scam programs opening to train RNs from other countries to be nursing assts or even care-givers, and then no visas being available for them once the student visa is completed; it just does not make sense to me and makes things harder here for everyone that moderates and tries to get the best information out there for others.
You did not place specifics in your initial posting stating that you were wanting to contact those that came there five years ago or so, so I took my normal stance on it. And that is what we do here as this bulletin board is the largest in the world.
75 Posts
I am impressed by your large span of knowledge on the employment status in the UK. I assume you live and work over there. I have noticed that there seem to be a lot of jobs available in London such as at Guys and St Thomas hospital. As you mentioned in your last post about scams, I was wondering what your opinion would be on some of these facilities. Thanks