Over 60, seasoned nurse, fired for not being a "Robot RN."

Nurses Relations


More than 10 years with the hospital, always good yearly evals. New manager. So, out with the old, in with the new, on the charge of not following the "values."

I'm so hurt, and angry, and scared. No insurance. Unemployment is not close to enough to pay the bills. And who wants an old RN?

They own the county. I can't handle LTC. So, I am applying at the stores and pharmacies for anything full-time, but think that the only thing that I will probably be offered will be a "greeter" position.

I guess I am just looking for validation as a decent human being, and as a good nurse.

I feel so bad for you. Can you hire a lawyer and claim age discrimination? I, too, am concerned about my future because of my years of experience and being paid for my 20 years of experience. I wouldn't be able to keep up my house payments if I were to have to accept working somewhere other than the hospital I am currently working for. Have you tried long term acute care? Hospice or home health? If anything, try working full time for an agency that provides benefits. It's worth a try! Who knows....maybe they'll contract you to work at that place and they would have to pay more for agency!

The last paragraph says it all. Check your ego at the door and do your job.

Specializes in Critical care.

Folks, this is likely not much of an issue these days...the original post is 3 years old.

First and foremost, YOU ARE A NURSE !! Honorable, Respectable & Blessed and you have no reason to feel any less !!! You must trust in God's plan for your life!! I believe this is "A New Beginning" ....a new chapter you can write any way you choose. It, My Dear, is a Blessing!!! .....Reach into your heart and follow its lead. YOU are needed, find your niche'. ....please don't get 'caught up' in 'allowing their actions' to weigh on your worth, inner peace and strength !!! Things happen for a reason, God is calling you in another direction. Hold your head high!! Life is too short to fret over the wrongdoings of others! Count your Blessings, Pray for guidance and Thank God for 'giving you time off' ~ Enjoy this Christmas like no other!!!! ....what you think you bring to you~ I wish you all good things and more !! Merry Christmas! ...keep us posted. ~a caring RN

I was "let go" from my wonderful job as an office nurse at a family practice office after almost 15 yrs of loyal dedicated service. The physician owned private practice sold out to a large group owned practice. I was kept on for 16 months, was instrumental in instituting EMR, kept up a positive attitude and was encouraging to the other staff members. I was accommodating and flexible. One day out of the blue, I was called into the physicians office. The HR director from corporate was hiding behind his door. I took one look at the doc's face, then at her and knew what was going to happen. I said, "What did I do wrong?" They said, "absolutely nothing. You're an "at will" employee and your position is being eliminated". Then she had the gall to want to walk me out of the office to my vehicle. I told her with tears streaming down my cheeks, that it wasn't necessary. I was not going to take anything home with me that didn't belong to me and I don't deserve the embarrassment. I did receive severance pay. In order to receive it I had to sign paperwork that I would not sue or slander the company. I did sign. I was eligible for unemployment. Of course I was depressed and cried a lot for about 2 weeks. Within 2 1/2 months, I applied for 1 position at a rural county health department. I got the job and have been doing imms and communicable disease reporting and investigation for almost 2 yrs. No holidays, weekends or on call. I like the job and the people I work with. And we have a union. I am 52. Been a nurse for 29 yrs. And by the way, our health department just hired a 74 yo nurse as our new personal health director. No age discrimination here. She is an absolute breath of fresh air. Don't give up. There are jobs out there for us older nurses!!!

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
I was "let go" from my wonderful job as an office nurse at a family practice office after almost 15 yrs of loyal dedicated service. The physician owned private practice sold out to a large group owned practice. I was kept on for 16 months, was instrumental in instituting EMR, kept up a positive attitude and was encouraging to the other staff members. I was accommodating and flexible. One day out of the blue, I was called into the physicians office. The HR director from corporate was hiding behind his door. I took one look at the doc's face, then at her and knew what was going to happen. I said, "What did I do wrong?" They said, "absolutely nothing. You're an "at will" employee and your position is being eliminated". Then she had the gall to want to walk me out of the office to my vehicle. I told her with tears streaming down my cheeks, that it wasn't necessary. I was not going to take anything home with me that didn't belong to me and I don't deserve the embarrassment. I did receive severance pay. In order to receive it I had to sign paperwork that I would not sue or slander the company. I did sign. I was eligible for unemployment. Of course I was depressed and cried a lot for about 2 weeks. Within 2 1/2 months, I applied for 1 position at a rural county health department. I got the job and have been doing imms and communicable disease reporting and investigation for almost 2 yrs. No holidays, weekends or on call. I like the job and the people I work with. And we have a union. I am 52. Been a nurse for 29 yrs. And by the way, our health department just hired a 74 yo nurse as our new personal health director. No age discrimination here. She is an absolute breath of fresh air. Don't give up. There are jobs out there for us older nurses!!!

You agreed not to slander them, but can I slander them? :madface: But seriously, I've lived through such ruthless new ownership "partnerships". I've seen people fired after they trained newcomers how to do their job. I've seen . .yeah.

I'm so glad your current job is the "door opens" after your former employer rewarded your years of dedication with the unceremoniously closed door. Thanks for sharing your story.

I would give anything to have the years of experience you have under your belt. If you can't do LTC which I can't either and because I'm a newish nurse that the offers I get, maybe you can try home care? There are agencies that will give you a management position just for the years of experience you have. Also maybe school nursing? Most are salaried and work 10 months of the year, no weekends or holidays which will give you time for a part time like perhaps home care too. Also United health insurance have postings for positions all over the country. I interviewed for one but didn't get it because don't have enough acute care experience. Also agencies like Fresenius and DaVita are hiring dialysis nurses and they will train you. Don't lose hope. A hospital is not the only place for a nurse.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I concur. We think following the old ways of treating our fellow nurses is acceptable. We don't see these things from the perspective of these younger nurses. Hospitals are tired of recruiting newbies only to have them leave because they feel that people are unwilling to help them when they're new. Seniors put them through a rigorous initiation that few people can endure. When you do things over and over, they become second nature and routine. It is much easier to work when you know so much. A new nurse has to constantly think through every step. You would think that this senior nurse's superiority is appreciated. It's not. What's appreciated is people who help and work as a team and recognize that all that they know is probably the result of those who were their seniors once upon a time, investing in them. I doubt this nurse has a clue because "we've always done it that way." No more. It is a huge expense to train someone only to have them leave. If you are the type who is unwilling to change, you might want to consider quitting while you're ahead. I am also 60 yo.

I am sorry on the loss of your job. Believe me, you are not the first nurse this has happened. I'd like to recommend counselling to build up your confidence--even a few sessions, and please go to your PCP for a referral. Then do not give up on nursing: look into community health, perhaps teaching in a medical assisting program, occupational health, wellness, addiction/mental health, and yes LTC--I've worked them all as a 45 y

I think a lot of us are seeing problems, the field of nursing has changed it is more technical and less hands on. I have been off work for 3 years due to back surgery, I have been a RN for 23 years, and to be honest I would fear even attempting to go back. So much has changed. The nursing I see now is not the same nursing that I went to school for. I don't think it is us, nor do I think we are dumb, it is just a different type of a job than we were used to.You don't have to be a greeter because of your age. grant you the pay scale is going to be far from what we are used to, but there are different types of jobs in the medical field, in saying that so what if you are a Greeter, you may be able to get a Greeter job in out patient surgery. Families love the Greeters , they are known to be the braid in the health care field, think about that Greeter person when your family member is having surgery, or when you have a loved one rushed off to the ER, or is in surgery but has been moved to another area of the hospital and you can not find that room..I think our problem is that we are getting old and I for one have a hard time, I feel like I am in a movie, where a military private does something wrong and the General comes up and rips the stripe off the uniform..It took me a long time to get over that feeling, but changing job descriptions at our age is ok, and you have to sit and think "What would you say to me?" Would you think I am unable to be a loving nurse? We just sometimes need to move on gracefully. If you think you can keep up in the nursing field then find another job, I wish you all the best..I take these mini NCLEX exams on line and I pass them all with flying colors, but I know in my heart that the hands on part of nursing has changed and that is the part that I miss, but I can not keep up with the pace. Good luck on finding another nursing job, there are plenty of pediatric homecare jobs out there and they pay well, they need loving and caring as well as smart nurses to care for their children, I have done that off and on thru out my nursing career and I have found out that my families loved older nurses, You become a part of that family, almost like an extra grandma, you just have to watch that professional line for the benefit of the patient as well as yourself.They trust you with their most precious asset, their child, it is so rewarding and one patient for the entire shift is great you get all the hands on care that your heart desires. I have always done this for extra money I think it was like only 50 cent an hour pay cut from my hospital wages.and it was also a needleless job, when they need blood drawn home health comes to draw it..My drawback is I am only allowed to lift no more than 5 pounds the rest of my life..or I would be running back to my homecare jobs as fast as I could run..lol

Specializes in Med Surg, PCU, Travel.
More than 10 years with the hospital, always good yearly evals. New manager. So, out with the old, in with the new, on the charge of not following the "values."

I'm so hurt, and angry, and scared. No insurance. Unemployment is not close to enough to pay the bills. And who wants an old RN?

They own the county. I can't handle LTC. So, I am applying at the stores and pharmacies for anything full-time, but think that the only thing that I will probably be offered will be a "greeter" position.

I guess I am just looking for validation as a decent human being, and as a good nurse.

This country treats nurses like they do their vets, possibly worse if it can get worse. Sorry about those circumstances. I would not want to work for anyone else. Start your own business, do private duty or consultations etc, there's lots of other options.

This is an old post, but what did you wind up doing? I was thinking maybe you could go back to school and learn Health Care Administration or NP.

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