Published Aug 12, 2005
118 Posts
Does anyone know or maybe have heard from someone who has finished nursing school how many oral presentations you have to do. Is there one for every class you take?? Guess I may be thinking too far ahead but I am curious, that is one of my downfalls. I think i have social anxiety when it comes to school presentations. I have heard Zoloft works so I am just trying to get myself prepared for next year. Thanks for any advice
lsyorke, RN
710 Posts
The only oral presentations were talking about our patients in pre and post conference. It's NORMAL to have anxiety when public speaking if you aren't doing it all the time. It's normal to have anxiety in nursing school.. it's a stressful thing. But as you get more comfortable and confident that anxiety will go away. I would not consider taking a drug just in case.
342 Posts
I remember the instructor in my public speaking course. He said that "nobody has ever died" (in his class) giving a public presentation. So you do it once. You don't get a very good grade. You do it again. Your grade goes up some. Eventually you will be able to get up and speak w/out getting the jitters.
I agree w/ the OP, don't start taking medications for "just in case" reasons.
74 Posts
I had approx 2 oral presentations per semester as well as group presentations--debates, etc.
I'm the same way--I get very nervous in front of a large audience--I had to try to work hard at controlling my face from turning pink :imbar !! I also would start to feel very faint--but at least I was in a class full of LPN's :chuckle !!
(Just make sure you eat a healthy breakfast & hydrate :) )
By the end of nsg school, I would still get nervous, but I also had
given enough presentations to know I would survive and get through them fine.
I think the key is adequate preperation and practice (in front of mirror, family, whoever will listen)!! This will help you to feel more comfortable in front of the class as you become more confident in yourself and the material you are presenting through your prep.
Wishing you the best of luck in school--you will get through it along with everyone else
20 Posts
I had a few oral presentations in school, I thought everyone did. Plus I had to take a speech class. I got a good hint from one of the instructors. He suggested to practice in front of your family or friends, some people even do it in a mirror. So I used to stand at the kitchen counter and look out over the front room pretending like there was an audience and practice the presentation until I practically had it memorized. My kids thought I was kind of nuts, but it did help a great deal. The presentations I did with a group were harder because we did not get to do this together, but it worked out.
Good luck to you!
25 Posts
I have had to do about seven presentations so far, including the speech class that was a prerequisite. I felt the same way you do--my face would get all hot and my hands would tremble--I just want to tell you that it DOES get easier. I was the type of person that previously would not take a class if it had a speech component; I feel so comfortable now that I have actually gotten compliments on my ability to appear comfortable giving a presentation. Like others have suggested, practicing ahead of time really helps. For me, it also helped to realize that everyone else was just as scared as I was. Good luck, I know you can do it!
39 Posts
Just about everyone gets nervous in front of crowds. I'm fine with it as long as I'm standing with a group. Unfortunately, if I'm by myself it gets where I can barely get the words out. I felt like my mouth was wired shut last time. I'm glad my nursing program requires a speech class.
purplemania, BSN, RN
2,617 Posts
I remember 2 in BSN program and several in MSN but all were basically like a book report from elementary school. The instructor gives you guidelines, you follow those and talk to the top of people's heads. Remember that no one in the audience really gives a care what you have to say. They are busy worrying about what they are going to say.
31 Posts
Remember that no one in the audience really gives a care what you have to say. They are busy worrying about what they are going to say.
Plus, this isn't like grade school speeches, which I thought were the worst. I absolutely hated those. I think it's much different in nursing school, where everyone's in the same boat, so the audience is more sympathetic.
Anyways, repeatedly practicing the presentation is a must. It'll definitely help with your confidence. But there's no need to take any medication for this...Just hang in there, I'm sure you'll do fine. :)