Published May 30, 2009
techraider77, ADN, BSN
157 Posts
I am hoping to do three days a week schedule when I get out of nursing school, does the OR do this shift very much? Thanks
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,976 Posts
Most of the folks I work with are 8hr shifts. There are a few 10hrs and 2-3 12 hrs. The longer shifts require at least 1yr in the OR, but those wanting the longer shift with most seniority get it.
177 Posts
We're split pretty evenly between 8, 10, and 12 hour shifts. Only the most senior people do 2 or 3 8's. All other 3 day/week shifts are 12 hour shifts.
Yeah, I am hoping to do 3 12 hour shifts a week.
599 Posts
We have 8, 10 & 12's also, the shift is part of the job opening. If someone already working wants a new position they get it first, but we hire to aal positions. Good luck.....
174 Posts
We only have 8's and 10's, but we all rotate through them.
75 Posts
most of the nurses in the OR I'm interning in have 2-3 12-hour shifts, one 8-hour shift, and then a 8-hour shift with possible overtime.