Ontario Second-Entry Nursing (2017)

World Canada CA Programs


Hey everyone :)

So fall just flew in so I thought what a great time it would be to start my nursing applications lol. It is very early, but I enjoy having this on my mind. I am in my final year at University and am hoping to be a nursing student come next September. I wanted to make a space where we could come together with a common goal: getting accepted. The schools I plan to apply are:

Trent, Toronto, Humber, Western and Queens

Possibly considering RPN programs as well.

@Toronto2bNurse2016 Do you remember around what time you got accepted to McMaster, and did you get accepted before or after all of your pre-req marks were in?

I was wondering if that's something they do (give you a conditional offer while you finish pre-reqs) or if they always wait until your final grades are in.

I got accepted to Mac at the beginning of May last year! But I'm pretty sure that was their first round of offers? So i think they do wait for everyones pre req marks to be in before they send out their first round.

I did get a conditional offer from U of T because I was still completing the physiology and humanities requirements for the program in my final year. So even if you're not done all the pre-reqs but youre on track to finishing them they still may send you an offer before you finish.

Hey! I've been lurking for a while so this is my first post about Ontario schools.

I'm also super worried about not getting accepted anywhere :(

I've applied to York and U of T. In retrospect I should have applied to more options, including Nipissing! I only recently learned that their programs actually takes place in Toronto :(

My stats are all over the map. My 4-year BA undergrad GPA is only 3.08 (B/72-73% from Queen's History...which is actually not bad for the department) but I took most of the science prereqs after graduating and got all As, one A+, and one B in Chemistry. Depending on how things are tallied my cumulative GPA (including post degree) is 3.18, and my last 30 credits is somewhere between 3.45-3.7.

I have lots of ECs, travel, volunteering but not a ton of health care work or research.

I also applied to Humber but was told I would need to get all my foreign transcripts evaluated (exchange, etc.) which could not be completed by the deadline and would cost over $600 USD so i think that's out of the cards for now.

Am I completely hopeless?

**Oh, I should add that my Queen's GPA is from the old system that was just A, B, C, D, etc. etc. No 4.3 gpa scale or +/-.

@Toronto2bNurse2016 how did you get into U of T and Mac but not Humber?

@Toronto2bNurse2016 how did you get into U of T and Mac but not Humber?
haha I'm not too sure, I guess I had a strong enough supplementary application for U of T and good enough CASPER scores. My GPA may not have been high enough for humber lol

It is so nice of you for taking out the time to help us out here! :)

Do you mind sharing your extracurriculars/activities prior to joining nursing?

I am quite worried that a lack of research experience for UofT will pull my application down. Although I have a lot of volunteering experience (in hospitals, international volunteering in small communities, and tutoring/mentoring, 1 month observership under a Nurse Practitioner) I just have one research-related experience (not scientific but in the social sciences) but its not that intensive and it was while I was volunteering at the organization as an English teacher.

Do you think a strong volunteering record make up for that?

I got into Humber at the end of Feb. I have to take 2 prep courses in september, one of which I already took during undergrad at UofT, so I'll have to get that cleared up with admin. Is anyone else going to a campus tour in the coming months?

It is so nice of you for taking out the time to help us out here! :)

Do you mind sharing your extracurriculars/activities prior to joining nursing?

I am quite worried that a lack of research experience for UofT will pull my application down. Although I have a lot of volunteering experience (in hospitals, international volunteering in small communities, and tutoring/mentoring, 1 month observership under a Nurse Practitioner) I just have one research-related experience (not scientific but in the social sciences) but its not that intensive and it was while I was volunteering at the organization as an English teacher.

Do you think a strong volunteering record make up for that?

haha i dont mind at all! I used to creep this page so much when I was applying last year! I had quite a bit of extra curricular involvement, but I think there's quite a range in our program. I was really involved in the Psychology Student Association and in orientation week. I've worked as an Residence Don for the past three years and also volunteered at two Toronto hospitals.

With respect to research I did have 2.5 years of research in two different labs, done in my undergrad and published with my first lab. I don't think the research part was really what put my application over the edge though haha it seems like you have QUITE the resume! And I think if you still answered the questions in the supplemental application aptly then you have a good chance! haha everyone in the program really does have quite diverse backgrounds! So there are some people with no research experience at all in the program as well!

I've been put on the waitlist for Humber, does anyone know the likely hood of getting in? I know that it is still early but its stressing me out!

Thanks :)

Does anyone know when McMaster starts sending out acceptances? It's my first choice and I'm super anxious about hearing back.. hoping my cGPA and GPA are good enough. Good luck to everyone!

I am in the same boat as you cdom12! It is so stressful waiting!

I called McMaster admissions, and figured I would share with everyone what she said. They will start sending out acceptances around mid/late April. They do not wait for this semesters marks to be released, and for those people who are currently in pre-reqs, you have a chance at a conditional acceptance.

@Starry101 what is your gpa if you dont mind me telling? I applied to Humber end of Feb, was surprised that it is still open this late!

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