Ontario Second-Entry Nursing


Hi Everyone!

This is super early to talk about applying to nursing school for 2016, but it's always better to be well-prepared! Let's share some thoughts and help each other out!

I am re-applying to nursing schools as I did not get in last year, and planning to enroll to more courses for pre-reqs and to increase my GPA (I graduated with a B.A.)hopefully this year will be much better and with luck!!!!

I have a few universities in mind to apply -

  1. University of Toronto
  2. York
  3. Nipissing
  4. Western
  5. Queen's
  6. McMaster

Should I apply to more? Which one should I apply? I am super eager to enter the program and I failed once, failing twice is not allowed!

Feel Free to give me suggestions or ask questions! Here is a link I found online listing most of the second entry nursing programs.

Best wishes to everyone! Good Luck!

-Bon :)

Awesome, What's your gpa if you don't mind me asking?

On 4.0 scale my annual currently is 3.3, but obviously that'll change soon lol. Hoping to bring it up. are you planning on applying to uoft as well?

Hey guys!

I'm currently in my last year at York for psychology. I'm thinking of applying to Humber, Trent, York and Nippissing. My GPA in the last 60 credits is a 7.2 which is slightly above a 3.3 on the 4.0 scale.

Does anyone know what the cut off for the Humber's program was this last year?

Lol nice! Yeah I'm planning on applying to UofT. Do you know the cut-off from last year?

Hey! I think the cut-off for Humber was a 3.3 last year. So anything below that was not considered.

Does Humber look at overall GPA or just the GPA in the last 60 credits?

hey guys !, this shall be a long journey, I am doing my third year at York and I am willing to apply to any school offering this program. do you guys know which school is the best or if any has an advantage over the other with regards to employment after completion of the program.

excited and nervous.

Good luck with your applications everyone!

i will ONLY be applying to York and Trent because i cant afford to apply to every school out there.

also, does anyone know if there are any dates available for the Nursing Caper test (i only see med school options)

Hi! I'm constantly on this sight so i figured it was about time i joined!

I am currently in my 4th Year in health sciences at Dalhousie U, and I am really interested in the 2nd entry Nursing programs! Particularly at UOttawa, but i would be more than happy to be accepted anywhere, i'm a little nervous about applying though because my first and second years weren't great.. So really any insights would help!

I was wondering if anyone has applied to UOttawa, Trent or York??

Also if anyone know's what the GPA/ cGPA are for them/ if admissions are solely based on grades?

Best of luck everyone!


I know that for Trent and York admission is solely based on grades. For York, you need a cGPA of B and a B+ in the last 60 credits.

I believe I saw people getting in with around a 3.4-3.5 for UoT.. they don't post their statistics so it's difficult to be sure.

Hey all!

I'm applying for the U of t 2016 intake as well!

I'm curious about what a competitive GPA would be?

I'm only sitting at about a 3.4 right now on a 4.0 scale. I'm in my last year of my degree at U of T in Psychology and Neuroscience

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