UT AE MSN 2015

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi all! I know this is a bit early, considering the application doesn't even go live until August 1, but UT is my number one school for Nursing. I just graduated from UGA with a BS in Psychology, and have around a 3.5 GPA. I have yet to take the GRE. I also am going to get a CNA certification and work for a year (hopefully in MedSurg) as well as shadow a family friend who is a Pediatric nurse. Many years before us have started a thread so I figured it would be a good idea to start one! I would really like to go into their Nurse Practitioner program, but as of right now there are some changes going on that said would be solidified in the fall.

Any feedback would be wonderful! As well as personal experience and what not!

I applied for Adult Gerontology CNS, so there's a good chance one of us will be interviewed before the other. Wonder how many students they'll admit for each program?

Did anyone else receive an email from Tracy this afternoon? In a nutshell, it was addressed to the NP applicants (not sure if it was all of them or not) saying we are highly qualified but there are a lot of applicants and offering consideration to the LeaDs program or continue to be considered under the NP track. I wasn't sure if it was a rejection to the NP program or if it was sent out in an effort to get people to consider the LeaDs program.

PurpleReign - I hear that that your track and the mental health NP track are the most competitive, with only a small amount of seats available. At least on the past forums I've read, it looks like there are about 4 or 5 seats in the mental health track!

kcast22 - I did not receive that email. I am an NP applicant, so I don't think it went out to everyone. I haven't heard of the LeaDs program. I wonder what that is.

KCast22: Nevermind - now I see that LeaDs is Leadership in Diverse Settings. I wonder if there weren't many applicants for that track.

I guess that maybe few people considered it since it isn't an advanced practice degree. The email gave the option of remaining under consideration for the NP track or changing to the other one. I am waiting to hear how many seats are open for each to make my final decision but I imagine the LeaDs program is less competitive. The video they sent out said you can complete that degree and if you still wish to do the FMHNP track you can get a cert in that from UT in a year.

Good to know! Have you heard back about how many seats are available in each track?

She just said that there are significantly more seats for the LeaDs program but did not indicate a number. I also didn't ask about the CNS track since I did not apply to it. I am going to attend an information session tomorrow evening so if there are any specifics mentioned I can post here if it helps. The information session is just for the LeaDs program, but since I think everyone was originally applying to the NP track they may mention some facts and figures about that one.

I'd love to hear how it goes. Thanks!

I was invited for an interview today, to be conducted some time next week. Anyone else?

Congrats! The interviews for the LeaDs program are not until Dec 11-17th, and it sounds like we wont find out until Monday or so because she gave us the option of switching programs with a deadline of this Sunday.

Congratulations! I was invited for an interview next week as well! :up: Mine is on Tuesday. Good luck to everyone!

I was also invited for an interview! Time to brush up on my interview skills. Good luck to everyone!

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