Online classes

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Im thinking of taking 4 online classes during Spring Semester, is that crazy? Has anyone here ever done it? The reason why I have to is because my new boss isn't willing to work with our school shcedule so, we have work our way around our work schedules if we want to take classes. Well I work 7am-3pm and I have a 3 year old that daycare closes at 6. Almost all evening classes start at 5 so thats not even an option and I would hate for my son to be in daycare all day. Oh and the reason for taking four is I need to raise my GPA so that I can apply to the nursing program, last year I applied with a 3.2 and didn't get it. Let me know what you think

And another beauty of online classes is that work can be assigned at anytime, so the prof. might spring an assignment on the class that has to be done in 1-2 days.

That's not true across the board. I'm going through Rio right now and the course outline with all assignments and due dates is given at the start of the course. There are no surprises, no pop homework, quiz, test.

But I am glad you said that as next semester I may be taking an online through a different community college. I really hope it's not set up like yours. :(

I am taking an online course right now-Criminal Justice- and it is 4 times the work it would be in a normal class. For example, I am taking Human Growth and Development and the class consists of only 3 Unit Exams over the entire 15 weeks. I just read the text, show up to class, take notes and that's it besides study for the exams. In contrast my online class requires much more of my time and LOTS of written assignments. Every week we are required to post at least 3 times in the discussion areas and it is always in response to some question posted by the instructor. Our postings must be researched, well written, and must "contribute to the educational process" of the class. These postings are worth 40% of our grade. Then we have 1000 word essays due every 4 weeks, worth another 30% of our grade. Tests are pretty easy though and worth 30% of our grade, then the final 10% is another essay on our "service learning project" which is based on a 6 hour community service assignment.

So, it is alot of work!! WAY more time consuming than a normal class, but it does offer flexibility to do the work when I find it most convenient.

Anyway, good luck on what you decide!

Specializes in Cardiac.

I've taken a bunch of online classes, and for the most part, I'd recommend them. 4 at once may be a little difficult, only because it's a lot of time on the computer. I took a Holocaust class on line and it was brutal! So, some can be extremely difficult.

Personally, I am a HUGE fan of online classes. I have never had an instructor spring surprises on me. I've taken about 8 online classes so far and knew all my assignments, test dates, quiz dates, etc. from day 1. To me, 4 isn't too much. I take 5 classes each semester between online and campus. But, everyone is different. It requires pretty good time management skills and only you can make the determination as to whether it's too much or not. I wish you tons of luck in whatever you choose to do!!!

I am a huge fan of online classes! Currently 4 of my 5 classes are online (I work full time and a part time job too) 2 of those are hybrids so I still have to go to campus for the labs. While it is true that there is more "busy work" that works out great for me. I have MAJOR test anxiety that nothing seems to quell. I've tried counseling and everything to ease it to no avail. So with having grades for the other assignments mixed in I can pull off a better grade in the class. In a traditional class usually your entire grade is based upon 3-4 tests.

I personally would not take 4 online classes. I am not a big fan of online classes, I prefer to see the professor and ask for help right there.

I am another fan of online classes. I have two DDs and this works out beautifully for me. All the classes I have taken online have varied greatly. Some had weekly assignments, weekly quizes and some had nothing but reading and tests. In fact the class I am taking online right now, requires nothing more than taking a test every 3-4 weeks (I am planning on finishing this class early so I can fully devote myself to A&PII--we can take the tests anytime prior to the end test date just not after!). So my advice would be to talk to students who have taken these courses online (or the profs that teach them) and get a feel for what the course load will be and base your decision from that. FYI-I have never had any suprise assignments, tests, quizes either--everything is in the calendar already so I knew up front how I needed to manage my time. Good luck whatever you decide.

My experience with online classes is that the profs. pile on more work than they do in regular classes, kind of as a way of making up for the fact that you don't go to a class.

I couldnt imagine taking 4 of those at once AND working FT and a family. But that's just me.

I agree...don't be fooled into thinking that just because they are online, they are easy as pie!! I probably did worse on a couple of my online courses than any other course. (I did worse in Psychology (online) than I did in A&P (in class) if that tells you anything!!)

Especially with a baby - I'm in the same boat with a 1 year old - watch your work load!! I also work full time and 4 classes might be a bit much with work, a baby and school.

If you do decide to do it, good luck!! You know what you can handle and what you can't!

4 classes is a full load, online or off. Some people do mistakenly think online will be easier, and it's not. I'm taking my first one right now, and it's strange not going to class. You have to be very good at time management and make youself stay on a schedule. However, I like not having to drive 30 min each way to campus and fight people for parking. At my school, most online courses are the same or similar to on-campus classes. The lecture and notes are available online so you can listen to them at your own pace, and you may have to come to campus for exams and/or labs. In my class at least, we are welcome to attend the live lecture as well if we want, just as the live people don't have to go to class if they don't feel the need. Whatever you decide, good luck!

I don't work, but I have three at home all day with me (there's a full time job, lol) and one in kindy, so I don't always get too much accomplished during the day. For that reason, I only signed up for one online class (a "hard" one already -- Chem) though I probably could handle another of something easy. Next semester I'll be adding a 6 credit CNA course to the pile, while taking a different "hard" online course (A&P). While I very much want to throw a Pysch on there too and start knocking out these courses, it may be too much.

Start out light is my advice, so as not to get discouraged and drop out altogether. Also, shop around for schools. I'm very thankful to have learned about Rio Salado. Through them I can start a course within 2 weeks to a month of feeling like it, as they're constantly offerring most courses with start dates that often. It makes adjusting those best made plans a breeze.

I am a fan of online classes, but I've never taken four at a time. I'm taking three this semester, and the workload is quite a lot. When I first started taking them, I only took one at a time to see how well I could manage a class online. I found that I could handle it, so I then took two at a time, and then I went to three. I also work full-time, and many of the classes I needed collided with my work schedule, so that is why I went the online route. In my experience, online classes are not easier than in-person classes, and you spend a lot of time teaching yourself. However, I love having the ability to take tests at either 9 in the morning or at night, and I don't have to worry about "missing" class. I would not be able to attend college without them. :)

You're an inspiration, let me say that first and me knowing my self I should probably just take two. I am the biggest procrastinator but I don't know just yet. Thanks for replying

Thank you :) But truth be told, I'm a big proscrastinator! But I have a system set up so I make sure I stay on time or ahead.

Try two, see how it goes and then you can do 3 the next semester. In my classes, the instructors provide a syllabus up front for the entire length of the class down to the due dates and the latest time they will accept the test or assignment on that day. Best part is most don't care if you do all the assignments the first week, turn them in and go on with reading and tests. And since it's essentially only you in the class, you're not falling behind because of other students. I take one class at the college and we were behind because of interruptions and getting off task.

As someone else said, it's great to take tests at 10 pm in your pajamas. I think at my best then LOL. But not all instructors allow unmonitored tests so I have to go to the college occasionally to the test center. Their hours are not the most conveniant either:madface:

I have had many people tell me it's not possible to do all that I do. They told me before hand "You'll fail, you'll never make it. There's only 24 hours in a day and it's impossible to work as many hours as you do, raise two kids and go to school full time". Yes, you can do it if you really want to! Big thing is time management.

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