One more week until Nclex, What should I study?


Hello everyone,

I need some help and clarity. Since I feel like cramming because of my anxiety building up.

What should I focus on this last week of studying? I have finished Uworld Qbank and have been constantly answering questions but I am so scared to get blindsided on the test with a topic or things I might not remember or know. I have been thinking on what should I do this last week since I know that time is running out and again,, cramming is not the way to go. Sorry for the rambling I'm nervous and need some advice. Thank You in advanced!

Hello everyone,

I need some help and clarity. Since I feel like cramming because of my anxiety building up.

What should I focus on this last week of studying? I have finished Uworld Qbank and have been constantly answering questions but I am so scared to get blindsided on the test with a topic or things I might not remember or know. I have been thinking on what should I do this last week since I know that time is running out and again,, cramming is not the way to go. Sorry for the rambling I'm nervous and need some advice. Thank You in advanced!

At this point, you either know it or you don't. Watch Netflix.

Specializes in ICU and Dialysis.

Exactly right. You've been studying for 2+ years. Get a few days good rest and give your mind a break so you can actually *think* come test time.

Specializes in Nurse Anesthesiology Student.

Cramming will absolutely do you NO good. Your best bet is to continue doing 75-100 questions a day with whatever study material you've been using.

If 1-2 years of nursing school isn't enough to learn everything, 1 week of cramming won't either.

Be confident, you'll do great, and you will pass :D

So did you pass???

hi futurern did you passed?

Hello everyone sorry for the late reply, Yes I PASSED. Took it this past Monday and today I received an email from the board to let me know I passed. (I paid the 8.00 dollars for the quick results and minutes later I received the e-mail *eyeroll* haha) Oh well, Thanks everyone for the advice. Have a great day!

Hi that's amazing CONGRATULATIONS finally its over. can i ask what did you study remaining week?


Hi that's amazing CONGRATULATIONS finally its over. can i ask what did you study remaining week?


Thank you!! of course, I used the heyROna notes that she attached on her youtube channel. She's a fellow nurse you can look her up on youtube and she attached her notes there. I also reviewed all the notes I had without cramming just reading what I thought re-enforcement. I got a bad stomach flu that week so I was limited to study that much so I just focused on labs,procedures, and basic info that I knew I needed for the test. The day before I didn't study just looked at the labs once and that's pretty much it. Hope this helps :)

i really appreciate your response. i'm start getting nervous do you have a linked for heyrona notes? cant find it. thank you so much

i already find it thank you so much. CONGRATULATION AGAIN. best luck Job hunting

Thanks! No problem. Of course, if you need anything else just let me know, I totally understand how you feel I was right there two days ago but I hope everything goes great for you and send you positive vibes! you got this! Just try to relax your mind as much as you can, distract yourself (I know its easier said than done) but again,, you got this! :)

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