One more bat outta hades

Nurses Recovery


Hi all,

Well it finally happened. I completed PNAP yesterday. I am super-glad to be done. Please note I'm just a regular guy & if I can complete this nonsense so can you. This program has done nothing good for me so I don't have a bunch of roses and sunshine to spread around but if you are reading this and wondering if it will ever come to an end it will. God bless to all of you for these last years you have been my strongest support system as nobody can understand the anger and loss associated with these programs as does another inmate. Stay strong, keep following the idiotic rules and come out the other-side with as much of you intact as humanly possible. I'll be here to offer support as others have done for me.

Hang in there!!


Hang in there. I’d like to say the last part goes the quickest but that’s nonsense. However soon you will be done and yay!

Specializes in Oncology; Psychiatry..

@SpankedInPittsburgh thank you! I find that it might be more difficult in the last 3 months due to fear of doing something wrong! Can't wait to be finished ?

Specializes in Family Medicine.
On 4/1/2020 at 10:48 AM, SpankedInPittsburgh said:


we choose to heal or be victims. The people who survived the nazi death camps mostly made the choice of going on with life. I make no comparison as the implications are not close. However I’m going to try to put this nonsense behind me and live a life. Never make the sorrows of the past ruin your present or future

Thanks I needed to read this today 

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