Officially Excepted!!!

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students


Found out that I have been officially excepted in the LVN program at Carrington!!! I'm so excited, I can't stand it!!! I start on July 1st!!!

Looking forward to this new adventure!

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

Congrats to everyone who was accepted and hoping for the best for you kmonte !

Thanks everyone!!! I'll keep you posted. Fingers crossed!

After a few phone calls, we're still at the same place. Still number 31 and waiting for someone to drop. What a mess

Specializes in Hospice.
Not sure if this has happened to anyone else but my "official acceptance" was short lived. I was told on Monday night that I was number 30 out of my class of 30. I was so excited that all my hard work was paying off. Well Yesterday I went into work and basically gave my two weeks' notice, to later get a phone call from my school telling me that they messed up and I was actually number 31! I almost dropped the phone because I was so devastated. My counselor went on to tell me that I will be number 1 on the alternates list and if someone can't pay for the course then I will take their place. She also asked me to attend the first week of class in case someone drops the class... again, I would take their place. If no one drops or can't pay, I will have to wait till October to start. The kicker to the whole thing is that my LVN program is an 8-5 class day, so if I start on July 1st and I get dropped I will be without a job or not get paid for that week that I took off. Either way I'm kinda screwed. Does anyone have any advice on this? I SHOULD find out more info about people not being able to afford the course this week but in the mean time I'm just in limbo.

Please let me know your thoughts...

That is just messed up. :( Hope you get your slot.

Well the verdict is in... I officially got my place!!!! I am so glad that this limb is over and I get to start school on the first. Thank you to everyone for the support!!!

Specializes in Pediatrics.
Well the verdict is in... I officially got my place!!!! I am so glad that this limb is over and I get to start school on the first. Thank you to everyone for the support!!!

I am glad everything worked out for you. That was a stressful situation but it worked out. Congrats

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People always drop out the first week! hang in there!!!!

I'm not sure if someone dropped or if someone couldn't pay but they moved me up so I'm officially in the class that starts in 2 weeks. Very excited!!!

Hmmm.... I'd go and miss the week of pay, we lost four the first week, rt hen by week twelve we lost ten....

And except vs accept:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) work on that add it is very important in nursing to be an accurate speller, lol


Specializes in Emergency Department.
Hmmm.... I'd go and miss the week of pay, we lost four the first week, rt hen by week twelve we lost ten....

And except vs accept:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) work on that add it is very important in nursing to be an accurate speller, lol


To the OP: Do be careful about spelling and grammatical errors. It appears that you thought you were accepted. Turns out that everyone on their list was accepted, except you because you were #31. Fast forward a few days and you have been officially accepted again. ;)

I kind of had the opposite experience... I was told that I was accepted, then I got this rejection letter... So I just had to find out for sure... and about that same time I got another letter saying effectively "oops, we goofed. You're really accepted..."


Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

Wooo-hooooooo!!!! Congrats!


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