Offended by Prayer

Nurses General Nursing


I am curious to know if you would be offended, if at church on Sunday your Pastor got up and said a prayer for Church Mice?

I mean he prayed that the mice be strengthened and given the ability to carry out their mousey duties and to eventually render the Church unusable, so that the Parisheners would finally have to pony up the dough to pay for a new Church.


ok I am kidding here is the original post but hey if you are just now reading this thread there have been many twists and turns and I no longer say a prayer over the deceased and yes largely due to many of the points made in this thread. Also NO i would not be offended if anyone of any belief Satanist, TO Catholic said prayers or whipered chants or whatever in my ear that said it was and is an interesting thread but please read about 5-10 of the current posts prior to posting

Now The


I am curious to know if you would be offended, after death if someone were to say a prayer over you.

I would really like to hear from as many Agnostic or Atheist as possible.

I recently began saying a prayer over anyone that dies in my presence. Many times I do not know if the person had a religious preference or not. I am curious to know if people would be offended if they knew someone was going to pray over them when they die.

here is the prayer

Dear Lord not our will but yours. Into thine hands we commend the spirit of this peaceful child of God. Prepare a place for him/her Now in Your Heavenly Kingdom![/Quote]

I am not religious by any means. Lord knows I am a lapsed Episcopalian.....a bad one. My quest is spirituality and inner peace. However---I would be HONORED if people prayed for me! I just hope they would not wait til I am *TOAST* to do it! It's kinda like the barn door shutting after the horses have gone, ya know???? Have a good day now.

I, too, was an a Baptist. I am a believer in Christ Jesus and would be delighted if someone prayed over me. Now, really, what harm could it do. I prayed over my very ill patients..silently, of course.

Prayer is what we all need whether DEAD or ALIVE, no matter what the denomination, I would not be offended if you were to pray for me or my family members.As long as you were a true believer.

Well, I was raised in a Christian home and I go now also, just not as often as I would like because HELLO, I am a nurse. Even God understands that! Just go when I am off. I do pray for my patients silently or if they request I will pray out loud with them and have a devotional. I am for anyone that wants to pray for me like the saying goes Christians aren't perfect just forgiven.:saint:

Prayer is what we all need whether DEAD or ALIVE, no matter what the denomination, I would not be offended if you were to pray for me or my family members.As long as you were a true believer.

Dear Lord, please forgive me for my sins my transgressions and my trespass, I pray tomorrow will be better than today, in regards to admits and I pray that staffing will be adequate, I pray that I will know what to do when I need to intervene in an emergency, in Jesus name I pray, Amen


Ask for help if you need help offer help if you have time to help and sing when ever you can.

Knowledge is the only tool that doesn't rust


I'm off to work now, I pray it doesn't suck as bad as yesterday.


Thanks for the morning prayer (just in time for work today). I went to work thinking it was going to be a bad day. I looked at the schedule for today and knew we were going to be short staffed and we have a bunch of other stuff going, high acuities ect. (long story). I read your prayer just before work... and I added my own. Anyway, the day didn't "suck" nearly as much as I expected. In fact, it was a pretty good day.

Maybe you should start a prayer thread in the break room. Just for assorted prayers.

Im not offended Im a christian non-denom. It was a beautiful prayer,I would use it too. Obviously the pt is dead but It does make us feel better (those of christian based backgrounds) God hears all prayers and smiles when he knows his children are praying because we are acknowleging him in all situations.

Pray without Ceasing!


Thanks for the morning prayer (just in time for work today). I went to work thinking it was going to be a bad day. I looked at the schedule for today and knew we were going to be short staffed and we have a bunch of other stuff going, high acuities ect. (long story). I read your prayer just before work... and I added my own. Anyway, the day didn't "suck" nearly as much as I expected. In fact, it was a pretty good day.

Maybe you should start a prayer thread in the break room. Just for assorted prayers.

Actually my day was much better too. I just dropped that here last night while thinking about what things would make my day better and maybe it worked?

Now I lay me down to sleep I ask the Lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake I ask the Lord my soul to take, Please forgive me for my sins my transgressions and my trespass as I forgive those who trepass against me, Thank you Lord for the day I had today, and shining your grace down on us all, I pray that tomorrow be as blessed as today and that I will have the strength to provide care and assistacne to those around me in need of my help, I ask that the entire population feel your grace, I pray for those in all our care that they have the best outcome they can have, in Jesus name I pray. Amen


Ask for help if you need help offer help if you have time to help and sing when ever you can.

Knowledge is the only tool that doesn't rust

Specializes in LTC.

I like the turn of this thread. If those nurses who do believe and want to pray for themselves and each other....

Specializes in LTC.

Thanks for the morning prayer (just in time for work today). I went to work thinking it was going to be a bad day. I looked at the schedule for today and knew we were going to be short staffed and we have a bunch of other stuff going, high acuities ect. (long story). I read your prayer just before work... and I added my own. Anyway, the day didn't "suck" nearly as much as I expected. In fact, it was a pretty good day.

Maybe you should start a prayer thread in the break room. Just for assorted prayers.

I didn't see a prayer thread yet (forgive me if I missed it). So I think I'll start one.

Hi Betty and CCU NRS,

I read the first few posts of the prayer thread. I know faith and prayer are are source of comfort for many people. I'm glad you started the thread.

I didn't start it because, if you read many of my post in this thread, you would see I am not very spiritually inclined (and I can be a bit cynical and sarcastic). Sometimes my dry humor is misinterpreted and I have a tendency to offend.

Consequently, a prayer thread would seem a bit disingenuous coming from me. I'm glad you started it. I hope it lasts.

CCU NRS--- I'll come back to this thread anytime I feel like discussing SPAM, stove top, jello, church mice, golf, the separation of church and state, and all the rest of my favorite things, hee hee hee. I have really enjoyed the banter and the people in this thread, even though it didn't always stick to the original subject.

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