Offended by Prayer

Nurses General Nursing


I am curious to know if you would be offended, if at church on Sunday your Pastor got up and said a prayer for Church Mice?

I mean he prayed that the mice be strengthened and given the ability to carry out their mousey duties and to eventually render the Church unusable, so that the Parisheners would finally have to pony up the dough to pay for a new Church.


ok I am kidding here is the original post but hey if you are just now reading this thread there have been many twists and turns and I no longer say a prayer over the deceased and yes largely due to many of the points made in this thread. Also NO i would not be offended if anyone of any belief Satanist, TO Catholic said prayers or whipered chants or whatever in my ear that said it was and is an interesting thread but please read about 5-10 of the current posts prior to posting

Now The


I am curious to know if you would be offended, after death if someone were to say a prayer over you.

I would really like to hear from as many Agnostic or Atheist as possible.

I recently began saying a prayer over anyone that dies in my presence. Many times I do not know if the person had a religious preference or not. I am curious to know if people would be offended if they knew someone was going to pray over them when they die.

here is the prayer

Dear Lord not our will but yours. Into thine hands we commend the spirit of this peaceful child of God. Prepare a place for him/her Now in Your Heavenly Kingdom![/Quote]

PS I have seen, in my job in rehab nursing, how faith is just as (and sometime more) important to healing of body and spirit as secular medicine.

YEAH Greenhorn has returned! hey I still want to come here to discuss all of the above.

New recipe for you, one of my all time fav sandwiches

Basically it is a grilled Ham and Chees but just slip a Hamburger patty into that bad boy too, I call it Ham Fry! If you make it on Texae Toast, well you will not fnd much better here on earth

Ham Fry, sound yummy. Add an "SP" and hold the "H", and I'd say you have a recipe fit for Martha Stewart (especially seeing as she is incarcerated at the moment... poor Martha).

Anyway, yes I am back by popular demand... Or for some on the board: unpopular demand. I got myself in a bit of "verbal throw down" last week by letting my alligator mouth..... I inadvertently offended someone on the board with a Seinfield joke. I really had no malice intended (long story).

As far as recipes go, here is my favorite: hot oatmeals with sugar, milk, raisins and several heaping spoonfuls of chunky peanut butter. I eat it several times a week, even for dinner sometimes (and I have the thighs to prove it). Sadly my membership to 24 hour fitness is completely underused. Maybe I'll add the "ham fry" to my dietary repast.

never have been an oatmeal person it is sort of a texture thing i think you know the wet snotty feeling,yuck NE way we used to eat PB and syrup all mixed up and like on a piece of bread. Also I could see using a sausage patty rather than a Hamburger patty I love the Breakfast on a bun at Whataburger.

Had hot-buttered grote clutters for brunch today... prayed first of course... the grotes didn't seem to be to offended. but then again they were dead.

PS add a shot of Wild-Turkey and a drop of 30-weight to the grotes and I here they are great for hangovers.

OK we are doing Ham for Christmas, spiral Ham to be exact, it will be glazed with honey and cooked to perfection, OHHH man I love that salty pork taste hmm mmm good

OK we are doing Ham for Christmas, spiral Ham to be exact, it will be glazed with honey and cooked to perfection, OHHH man I love that salty pork taste hmm mmm good

Gee, maybe it's the intolerant atheist in me, but i am really getting annoyed by the fact that this thread keeps coming back---not to address the original post---but to dish about food. Again--- I have to ask why. Why not start a food thread????

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