OCCC Spring 2010 hopefulls!

U.S.A. Oklahoma


I just turned in my 2010 application to OCCC's nursing program and wanted to see who all out there are going to be playing the waiting game with me for the next 2ish months!

Ugh me too!!! I thought it was my rejection letter because it was so small haha! At least it wasn't that. Hopfeully it wont be much longer! Like today would be nice :D

Well darn! Me too. It was a person that starts with a "C" that told me about the letters... ugh. So, when will we get the big letter?

It was nice to see the gpa and pref points verified.

I still need to get CPR certified. Anyone else?

I haven't yet either. I really wanna wait until we get "the" letter! yeah it was nice to see my pretty GPA because I know once AP is over this semester, it'll never look the same! Hopefully our letters will get here soon!

Are you taking AP I or II? I'm finishing up everything this semester... AP II and Micro...English II (saved for last).

Don't give into to that AP grade!!! Keep fighting :) I have a test in AP Wed. and Micro Thurs. UGH!!!

Wow that's a rough schedule! I'm in AP1, Eng1, Hist, and Govt right now. I did have a 4.0 going into this semester and have all A's in my other classes, but a B in AP. I know that a B is an awesome grade and I don't think I need all A's, I'm just being rediculously hard on myself! I need to just let it go. Anyways, RN=C, right? :D

LOL... you sound like me with the GPA. It's a really good attitude though so keep shooting for the A's!

You probably just had your bone test. They get a tad easier from here on out in AP I. Government and History together is CRAZY :no:

Have you had chemistry yet?

Ha ha yes I did! And I actually think I did good on that test, but we had our lecture test on integumentary, skeletal, and genetics right before our bone test. I was so concerned with our bone test that I didn't study much for our lecture test! Thanks for the encouragment! And yes, I had chem last semester with the devil!

I bet you did better than you think you did. Get the study guide from the lab ASAP for the muscles and start working on it.

It's good that you have chem finished. I called my prof. Dr. Evil all last semester...lol. It's going to be tough for you to carry AP2 and Micro with nursing. You'll do it though.

Does any actually know anyone in the program? What do they say about it? Pros and Cons. Do you know anyone who has flunked out or dropped out?

For now,I'm taking A&P I. Still have II, Chem and Micro. I won't even apply until I mid-term with Chem. That is the class I am most afraid of :eek:. God be with me, cause I'm so scared.

I still need to be CPR certified and am enrolled in the November 14th OCCC class because I figured I will need it now or later so I decided to just go ahead and get it done. The letters should hopefully be coming this week. Good luck to everyone!

I still need to get my CPR too but I want to wait until Dec. I have one fast-track class that is taking up my Fri-Sat's. It will be done around Thanksgiving.

Thanks for the info Jamie2btru! This week? I don't know if I want to get myself all excited again....but I probably can't help it. Good luck!

Afineparadigm, I know one person that didn't pass her NCLEX the first time but it was several years ago. She repeated 4th semester and passed the second time. I don't know anyone that's in the traditional program at all. Most of my friends haven't applied yet either... they will/should start in the fall.

I think Micro would be a good summer class. It's not easy but not horrible either. AP II is harder for me than AP I was. Chemistry was tough... my only B. You need it though. I use it every single day now. Can you try chemistry and AP II next semester w/o anything else? That way you'd have all your tough classes finished when you start nursing.

Agh! I need my letter already!:sstrs: I sure hope they come tomorrow...

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