NYU Spring 2016

U.S.A. New York


Hi all

Who will be applying here for NYU Spring 2016 semester. I heard the online application should be live 2nd week of August.

I'm in the same dilemma, I don't know if I should attend pace or NYU??

Smashnyc, how did you like the simulation part of the courses? Did you feel it helped you or would you have rather been in the hospital learning? I think NYU has more simulation than Pace does. A big question I have is, did you feel you were prepared enough for the NCLEX? I haven't talked to anyone who attended Pace's program, but I read that a lot of people said to stay away from it...

Vad21 I'm choosing between pace also, did your friends graduate from the program??

They did. Those that attended pace wouldn't recommend the program to any one. That's why I chose NYU over pace.

They did. Those that attended pace wouldn't recommend the program to any one. That's why I chose NYU over pace.

If the main issue in terms of the Pace program with people who graduated was that some of the instructors were horrible its certainly a consideration. I know a couple of people out of PACE nursing (not the ABSN) who said the opposite so I guess its who you ask and of course with a class size of NYU's (433 in 2012, 395 in 2013) I am sure there are bound to be people who say the same about the nursing program at NYU. Who knows?

If the NCLEX pass rate is an important indicator of the strength of the program then Pace beat NYU the last two years (91% vs 81% in 2014) Class size? Because of transfer and normal degree students the class has to be split into two groups of 130 each at NYU this Spring (2016). But probably the most important criteria is does job placement post-graduation = instructors wanting to see you do well and succeed = the NYU experience?

Anecdotal evidence/real world input aside if I knew going to NYU vs. Pace would assure me a higher rate of job acquisition post graduation/greater chance at commanding the best salary -- then we probably wouldn't be having this conversation LOL

But who knows?

Here is what I do know Pace = 50K - 1 year vs. NYU = 100K - 1.5 years (approximations..)



Pace 1st job as an RN = How much $? how long did it take to gain employment?

NYU 1st job as an RN = How much $? how long did it take to gain employment?


If we only knew!

Smashnyc, how did you like the simulation part of the courses? Did you feel it helped you or would you have rather been in the hospital learning? I think NYU has more simulation than Pace does. A big question I have is, did you feel you were prepared enough for the NCLEX? .

There are only 6 clinical days per sequence and 6 simulations , then in the 3rd and 4th you will have more because of pediatrics and maternity. I wish there had been more clinical and less simulation, but I definitely got something out of the sims.

I was very anxious about the NCLEX so I took the course and studied on my own as well, but I did great and actually could have taken it right after graduation. Which is to say, yes they prep you pretty well with mandatory online quizzes and nclex-style questions from kaplan from day 1. If you are a good student, no Cs, B+/A average you can probably do it. If you have test anxiety or are kind of weak in certain areas then you will have to study more after graduation.

The pass rate is much improved from their low point (I think 2013) as the prep has adjusted to match the new test.

NYU is a big school--the spring graduation was about 250 people, and the winter graduation was around 150. There is definitely some variation in ability and background of the students but they do not seem to let people flunk out the way I have heard some tougher nursing programs do, for whatever that is worth. You must maintain a C average and if you get under a C you have to retake the class and go on probation.

As an NYU graduate did you feel like you had a particular advantage when it came to employment post-NCLEX? What field of study did you choose? The main issue for me is finances.. My goal is nursing practice so that means advanced studies and the ABSN is already going to cost me dearly

The only real advantage as far as employment is that you have a leg up in applying to NYU hospital as long as you have a gpa of over 3.5. Also you may meet people in your clinicals who can help you.

It is a general BSN, no specific field of study. You can take one or two electives in your final semester that may relate to your interest in peds, international health, women's health or a couple other choices, if that's what you mean. Everyone is telling me now that once you have a year of hospital work under your belt the hospitals usually pay for a few credits of your advanced degree every semester, so many people choose that route rather than pay and go all at once.

It's expensive and a big decision, but it is your decision. I preferred 18 months to a 1 year program because of my family responsibilities/desire to have a life. :)

Happy to answer any other questions and best of luck to you all!!!

Smashnyc -- this was really helpful thank you so much for taking time out to go through this! Now.. do you have any books you want to sell LOL

Hi everyone! I'm Lauren and I was accepted into the ASBN program for Spring 2016. I'm currently at NYU right now finishing up microbiology and then will move into the nursing sequence in January. I actually found out my clinical placement and I will be at NYP Cornell in the Spring. Now it's time to figure out the whole financial aid situation and then begin to look for apartments :up:

Thank you so much smashnyc !

If NYU is your last resort, I would say go for it. Otherwise go somewhere cheaper with a smaller class size. The student debt I have paying for this place is ridiculous. I went to NYU, and unless you're one of those outgoing people who sit in the front rows of a 200 person lecture, you're gonna have a hard time networking with the professors. In the end, your prospects of getting a job are based on who you know, and your connections there (as long as you have a decent GPA and passed the NCLEX). Simulations (aka acting class), are a joke. You get at most 10-20 minutes in the 3 hour period to interact with a mannequin. The rest of the time is spent watching the rest of your classmates. Trust me, all of my classmates thought these were the worst things ever. The one thing, I got out of this place was my ride or die nursing friends

I got a job straight out of graduation because I had volunteered at the hospital for for the 1.5 years that I had been studying at NYU. A lot of my current coworkers came from CSI, LIU, SUNY, Adelphi, (some Columbia and NYU), but you don't need to go to NYU to get a job, if that's the only thing you're thinking about.

Also, just because NYU has high NCLEX pass rates, doesn't mean anything. YOU are the reason you pass the NCLEX. If you work hard, study hard, pay attention in class, do practice questions.. you will get what you deserve. NYU has a lot of smart people, which is why they pass. They study, they work hard. The people I know who didn't pass in my year, didn't pass because they didn't study and treated it as a joke.

hey guys, what are y'all doing for housing? And did anyone attend the welcome meeting on Monday? For anyone who went, how was the simulation tour? What information did they go over? :)thanks in advance!

Hi again everyone,

I was wondering if anyone was interested in rooming together? I'll be moving from California and was thinking it would be nice to live with someone else who is also in the program since we'll both be on the same page. If you are interested, PM me and hopefully we can figure something out!

Looking forward to meeting everyone!

@caitlinkay I'm also looking for a roommate and thought the same thing, I would like to live with someone who is also starting the accelerated program. Let me know if you're still looking! Thanks!

@caitlinkay I'm also looking for a roommate and thought the same thing, I would like to live with someone who is also starting the accelerated program. Let me know if you're still looking! Thanks!

I'm also looking for roommates from the program to live with as well if anyone is interested. I'm very interested in stuyvesant town because it's close to the nursing school and I know a lot of NYU students live there as well.

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