Nyu absn spring 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Soo......is anyone planning on applying to NYU for their Spring 2017 program....does anyone have any advise about NYU?

I have been wondering if I am alone in this financial aid thing. Mine says 'Award not accessible' is that same with you, or does it mean I would not be provided with financial aid.

I got my financial aid package 24 hours after I put a deposit down. Did you submit your fafsa?

I submitted fafsa, but that was a few days ago. However, I submitted the CSS/Financial profile before the deadline. I am waiting for my financial aid package before I make the decision to accept or wait for other schools. I am so confused now, I may pay this deposit and find out that I will not be able to afford NYU.

Hello everyone....

Now that majority of us have been accepted into the ABSN Spring program, we should talk about finances.

Having to pay over 90k in tuition is very daunting. I honestly don't know how will I be able to finance this institution with very bad credit. I have tried using a co-signer, but that did not worked out in my favor because the individual has to have a credit score of 660 and higher in order for the loan to be approve. I've tried private lenders such as Sallie Mae, Discover,Citizen bank and even Credit Unions.

l literally feel like I am having a mental breakdown, but one thing is for certain that on January 23,2017 I will be in that classroom prepared whether my tuition gap is covered or not. Let see if I will be kicked out of NYU because I cannot finance my tuition. There has to be a way that NYU can be lienient to individual such as myself who is financially at disadvantage.

Is there anyone else that is in my situation? Please do not be afraid to chime in.. I feel like I am gonna protest against this ridiculousness..í ½í¸¡í ½í¸¤í ½í¸©

Hey Sashion,

Sorry if this is a little late but you should take a look at the Private loan options on the NYU Financial Aid Office's website. Here is a list I gathered and you can check to see if you qualify for any of these:

Sunmark Federal Union


Cedar Education Learning


College Avenue

Commonwealth one federal credit union





Wells Fargo


Pentagon Federal


NYU Federal Credit Union

Thrivent Federal

Student Choice



Hope this helps

I would try Credible too, it screens your demographics and matches you with a private loan option you're eligible to apply for, and doesn't hurt your credit!

Hello Sne721

Thank you for passing on the this information. I literally was stuck and out of option , but I was able to fund my remaining balance without a lender. However, I'll definitely need it for the upcoming months.

Hey y109!

I'm currently finishing up my fourth and final semester in the accelerated program at NYU. It's hard to gauge based on GPA alone because they look at the applicant as a whole, meaning if you have an excellent essay and letters of recommendation, but not necessarily have a 4.0 gpa - they may still accept you. I didn't have any volunteer experience in the medical field, just other volunteer experience and got in so don't worry about that! And the MIT experience is GREAT! That'll definitely set you apart! I know people that got rejected that had very high GPAs and know people that got accepted with lower GPAs so your grades aren't 100% the absolute deciding factor. My advice would be focus a lot on getting good letters of recommendation, and essay which can help offset the grades. Hope this helps, and if you have any other q's let me know! Good luck!

I have a question, I am applying to NYU BSN in program for the Fall semester and I see that they do not like for you take classes online but I live in Virginia and attend VCU and I had no other choice but to take Developmental Psych and Nutrition online because that is the only way they offered it and they say in classes weigh more than online, do you think I still have a chance? Even though they say those are the two classes to take online if you have too, i am just nervous because I know how funny some schools are even if they say its alright

hi nesssimm,

do you have any tips on what to write for the personal essay?

Y109 sounds like you're doing pretty well. You're taking all the right classes and getting good grades. I would suggest trying to get your GPA up just a touch and writing a KILLER personal statement/essay. NYU's decisions rely heavily on your personal statement/essay. Good luck and stay positive!!
Specializes in Postpartum.

I'm about to finish my first year of college and calculated that my gpa is probably gonna be a 3.4 and my pre reqs a 3.4 (if i end up getting an A in english) so i'm EXTREMELY worried. i have two semesters left but i feel like my chances are dying :( any thoughts? i have 40+ volunteering hours and might get my research paper published so i hope those helps but i'm mostly worried about my grades not being enough.

I have a question, I am applying to NYU BSN in program for the Fall semester and I see that they do not like for you take classes online but I live in Virginia and attend VCU and I had no other choice but to take Developmental Psych and Nutrition online because that is the only way they offered it and they say in classes weigh more than online, do you think I still have a chance? Even though they say those are the two classes to take online if you have too, i am just nervous because I know how funny some schools are even if they say its alright

Hey teeeee! Small world - I also graduated from VCU in 2016! I took those same courses online and was accepted for the Fall 2017 semester. I would love to see another VCU student at NYU! Let me know if you got in!

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