Nursing Students in the UK


For those of you that have had specific questions related you your schooling, please post them here. And use this area to share experiences with other students.

Best of luck with your training.:balloons:


though i'd introduce myself

i'm a 2nd year adult student in manchester doing the diploma my uni starts all of us on it for years 1 and 2 with the smarties having an option of the degree.

oh a venepuncture question we can do this training in 3rd year, on consoladation placement some will let us practice this A&E while wards won't

any similar experinces


though i'd introduce myself

i'm a 2nd year adult student in manchester doing the diploma my uni starts all of us on it for years 1 and 2 with the smarties having an option of the degree.

oh a venepuncture question we can do this training in 3rd year, on consoladation placement some will let us practice this A&E while wards won't

any similar experinces


I'm interested in you acquiring your venepuncture skill in third year. Do let me know how you are taught to do this, as I'd like to suggest it where I am as well

We do it using a dummy arm in the 2nd half of 3rd year.

some of the trusts don't recognise the training whilst in the clinical areas of those that do it depends on finding someone who is iv trained and will superivise your required attempts to sign you off, this can depend on if that area performs venepuncture a lot. the student attemps can be carried over once qualified i was told as long as its within a certain time frame.

we also learn male catherisation and how to do ECG

These may be advanced pracitice but pratice is changing.

Oh my home trust from what the staff nurses where saying in aiming to get all it nurses IV trained, maybe thats an influnce on our clinical skills files.

Thanks for that. it sounds very interesting. good luck with your course

Specializes in Emergency.
We do it using a dummy arm in the 2nd half of 3rd year.

some of the trusts don't recognise the training whilst in the clinical areas of those that do it depends on finding someone who is iv trained and will superivise your required attempts to sign you off, this can depend on if that area performs venepuncture a lot. the student attemps can be carried over once qualified i was told as long as its within a certain time frame.

we also learn male catherisation and how to do ECG

These may be advanced pracitice but pratice is changing.

Oh my home trust from what the staff nurses where saying in aiming to get all it nurses IV trained, maybe thats an influnce on our clinical skills files.

hi i'm cheryl, training in liverpool.i'm in 2nd yr too. do you have some of your placements at hope?? i used to work there

:welcome:hope is my home trust iand reallylike it what job did u do there and where abouts.

hows liverpool enjoying it and your training.

Hello everyone.

I am mature male student studying at the university of the west of england for the degree in nursing. I have just finished my first placement on a short stay medical/surgery ward at frenchay hospital. That was my very first experience of working in a health setting and i loved every minute of it.

I decided to work as a health care assistant during my studies for the obvious money and extra experience seeing loads of different wards gives you. it also has allowed me to do extra studies during the breaks for example venous puncture and ecg etc paid for by the hospital before i do it at university.. although they are not recognised by the university it certainly gives me the edge by having the experience allready. So i would highly recommend it to any other student out there.

How does everyone cope with dealing with dementia patients? To be honest i have never encountered patients with dementia before and they dont teach that until second year, so some advice would be great..

hope you are all well.

take care


hi magichands

my mates at uwe at frenchay hosptial

dementia(worked for 6 years as hca in a Nursing home speicaliny in this)

keep calm espically your voice, don't rush anything you have to do and be very gentle, your working as part of a team, if the person seems not to be responding to you get someone else esp if the pt strats getting upset and your getting frustrated.

at times you may need to distract them, if they think their at home and have young children, or that they are a child(esp in alzimers where they lose there memories chronloogically ) try to distract them with an activity.

this gets bad about teatime and is call sundowners whereby they think they need to go home, and is a bad risk for falls.

Explain what your doing even if they can't respond and give consent to treatment.

try not to deskill a demetia pt encorage them to do as much as they can with hyiene and feeding etc.

if they have developed unsocial beahvoir espically regarding elmintaion, get to know their habits and get them cleaned and recongise its part of the disease and they may get upset if you draw attention to it i normaly whould chat about anything else.

make sure they eat and drink, and that they haven't just forgeton the food that is in front of them, i've found sweet foods very popular.

hope this helps

Thats some usefull info about dementia patients as i will be soon on a ward with a lot in that catagory.thanks all.

=well i'm on a neurosurgical ward at present and having to deal with confused patients and having some experince of it is not limited to Care of the elderly.

I like working with older patients confused or not, and confised i find need that little bit more and give me more reward when i can get a respond and have and effect.

i also get a reason to be a nurse by giving terminal care, patients on the liverpool intergrated pathway, and in my developing way to their famillies.


I would just like to find out if any of you have ever doubted your ability to become a nurse? I am applying to Manchester Uni next year, but am a bit worried as I am not doing to well in my anatomy and phisiology at the moment, but I do know this is the career I would love to do.

Any thoughts would be most appreciated


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