Published Apr 18, 2006
82 Posts
I'm interested in starting a "nursing students for choice" group on my (to-be) campus.
Is anyone a member at his or her respective university or community college?
If so:
- Is your group affiliated with any national or local organizations?
- Do you have an organizational web site?
- What's your organizations statement of purpose?
- What type of activities and community service projects do you do?
- How did you go about getting a faculty sponsor/advisor?
Multicollinearity, BSN, RN
3,119 Posts
While I think it's great that you want to be active - I just don't know about this. I am *quite* pro-choice myself, so the issue itself is not the cause of my hesitation.
I tend to think that this would be unnecessarily divisive. Nursing school is hard enough. You don't want an us v. them (choice v. life) student culture set. I know this isn't what you want, but I think it could devolve into that. Why not just volunteer at a separate pro-choice organization during NS if you wish? You may find you don't have time anyway!
Thing is, I think this could cause tension between students. I wouldn't do it.
That’s a good point. I certainly don’t want to create a “divisive” environment.
You know, I'm so politically active that I was surprised that I was of the mindset of 'don't do it' here. I volunteer, make phone calls, I've done marches. Thing is, I just think it is best if we leave our politics at the door with nursing school. It's so challenging. It's quite insular. I think divisions happen by default with students. Why add to it? Also, in this red v. blue nation we are currently living in, it's just so natural to find out someone is of the opposite position you are, and unconsciously label them as who we perceive as part of the problem. I think the vast majority of nursing professors wouldn't retaliate consciously, but why risk it? You may find some dear friends and allies who are conservative and pro-life in nursing school. But if you are leading the pro-choice student group, those alliances and friendships are just less likely to happen.
Oh gosh - I'm so politically active that my heart warmed to read of someone who wants to contribute and do something. I just don't think NS is the place to do it.
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
347 Posts
I totally agree with multicollinarity's well-written and thoughtful responses. I'm pretty politically active myself - I donate financially to causes that are important to me and I campaign at times for candidates I believe in, but there aren't any bumper stickers on my car. I prefer to keep my politics separate from the rest of my life because I do not want people to judge me without giving me an opportunity to discuss my position on issues. While I respect wanting to start a group of like-minded students, I would caution you that you will draw attention to yourself if you choose to do so. This attention will be positive from some, negative from others, but since you don't know who you will need to think of you positively throughout your school career, you could be damaging yourself. That may not have made any sense, but I hope it did. Good luck to you in the future!
543 Posts
Dear vegetarian_goddess,
Check out the Abortion Access Project:
171 Posts
What is your exact purpose for this group? You will be in school what, one, two years as a nursing student? When are you going to have time for this? What activities are you planning on organizing? What happens when you graduate and move on; is all your organizational work for naught? I also agree that is seems very devisive (this coming from a politically active, pro choice mama).
I would recommend you see what sort of prochoice organization is ALREADY active on your to-be campus. You can benefit from those who came before you (why reinvent the wheel?), and when you graduate, your organization will not die. It won't be a "nursing student" thing, just a student thing, which will be much less devisive than a nursing organization; and the group would be able to draw from all sorts of people, not just those in your class.
My recommendation is that if there is no prochoice group currently active on campus, see if you can start one, but welcome ALL students, faculty, and staff, not just nursing students.
149 Posts
It's been a while since I was in school, but I belonged to all the groups that I supported politically then and now. My pro-choice politics led me to a career in OB-GYN- a field I have loved for over 15 years so far. My first 'pro-choice' (and not just termination of pregnancy) book was "Our Bodies, Ourselves" by the Boston Women's Collective. All women should be educated as to how their bodies work and what options are available to them in life.
Best Wishes to you!
316 Posts
Soo...let me get this are becoming nurses to support life? Why are you advocating that it is perfectly acceptable to kill babies. They are babies you know, from the moment of conception! If you dont think that scraping or sucking a baby out of a womb is murder, then at what point does it become murder....when both the head AND feet are out of the womb.. What if most of the body was out - --head to knees-- could you still kill it then and not be a murderer?? Unfathomable.
What if your mothers decided to abort you?? America may already have aborted the one who could have cured cancer, AIDS, diabetes,etc.... Here is a great alternative for killing about adopting them out to those who actually want them? If you dont want to go through the pregnancy processs---keep your legs closed to begin with! Sex is not a necessary function to live. You play you pay.
Soo...let me get this are becoming nurses to support life? Why are you advocating that it is perfectly acceptable to kill babies. They are babies you know, from the moment of conception! If you dont think that scraping or sucking a baby out of a womb is murder, then at what point does it become murder....when both the head AND feet are out of the womb.. What if most of the body was out - --head to knees-- could you still kill it then and not be a murderer?? Unfathomable.What if your mothers decided to abort you?? America may already have aborted the one who could have cured cancer, AIDS, diabetes,etc.... Here is a great alternative for killing about adopting them out to those who actually want them? If you dont want to go through the pregnancy processs---keep your legs closed to begin with! Sex is not a necessary function to live. You play you pay.
I'll bet your nonjudgemental attitude serves you and your patients very well.
And I just hope that you are not in OB/GYN or Labor and Delivery..