Nursing students and their bad behaviors >:(

Nursing Students General Students


Hi allnurses! :)

So, I've been wanting to write this for a really long time now, I just want to vent.

I'm currently in my last semester of nursing school, then I graduate, yay me!:nurse:

I believe nursing school is an awesome experience that a lot of people work really hard to get into, and sometimes we may get rejected a few times before we finally get accepted into a program. Nursing school is NOT easy to get into, therefore, we should appreciate every moment that we spend in it, doing homework, studying, waking up early, going to clinicals, just embrace it! We worked so hard to get into this program, this will pay off in the end and it will be a huge accomplishment.

Ok so I want to get this off my chest and vent because sometimes my classmates really annoy me!

1. There's that one student that is always coming to class late, not 5-10 minutes, like (literally) an hour late! - NO!!! How is that you are always running that late?! I know she has kids but other students have kids and they manage their time and have everything set to get to class on time. Being constantly late, is unprofessional and irresponsible, not what you want to be in nursing school.

2. There's the students that are always wanting to change the schedule (that's already been set up for us by the instructors), change the rules, or complain about everything to the instructors- For example, if something on the schedule doesn't work for THEM, they go to the instructor and they make them change everything for the class. I look at the schedule and plan things around it, I never think "Hmmm, that assignment doesn't work for me on that day, I have to talk to my instructor". Be responsible and manage your time, the schedule/assignments are set up for us so we know what is due and when. DO YOUR WORK AND STOP COMPLAINING!

3. There's the students that don't like to wear their nursing uniform, what??- We earned that uniform! like I said, I know a lot of people that wish they can be in the program and wear the scrubs we wear with the school's name on it. We deserve to own it and show everyone that we are nursing students.

4. Like #2, we have student's that like to disobey the rules that are set for us. We are not allowed to wear nail polish or have long nails, yet some girls are still doing it regardless, like they think it's no big deal. You need to start acting and presenting yourself as professionals, those are cute on special occasions, but NOT for clinical.

5. There's one student that (I see) disrespects, and intimidates the instructors. She complains about everything and wants things done HER way. She gives the instructors a mean look and is very outspoken about how she wants things to be done (like #2). First of all, RESPECT your instructors, yea they are strict but it's for a good reason, they are teaching us how to be good, competent nurses. Second, Don't try to make things easy because you can't handle the hard work. I've never complained to the instructors because the work was too hard, and I've gotten very good grades thus far!

6. There's people that don't pay attention during lecture! This irritates me! I see them going on different websites in their laptops, then during break or after class, they say "so what were we talking about?" :facepalm:I'm not even joking! During clinical, a student asked what was a [certain condition we talked about in class]....ummm, we had a whole hour lecture on this condition and she didn't know what it was.

7. This is the one I HATE the most! People that want to copy your work. I don't agree with cheating or copying. I don't believe it's right that I worked so hard on an assignment, put the time and effort into it, and then have someone ask me to let them "borrow" it, when they clearly haven't done their work. I also had a student TELL ME after we were done with our midterm that she tried looking at my answers because she didn't know what one of the answers was. :no: She keeps asking for my assignments but I don't understand! We are about to graduate, we are about to be nurses, WORK for it, Oh but she gets mad when I don't give it.

8. The people that look for all the answers online instead of in the book....where they are :banghead: whenever we have online assignments/quizzes, not only do they look online for the answers (without reading and understanding it from the book) but they pass it around to the class, so NO ONE does the work, they just copy and don't understand the material.

Anyway, that's it for now, this is already too long.

Just wanted to let you guys know that as nursing students we need to work hard, understand the material, read, be organized, ask questions, respect and appreciate the instructors, we are held to a higher standard!

I just feel like I don't have a reason to complain, I knew this was going to be hard, and I'm enjoying and embracing every aspect of nursing school.

Do you guys have people like these in class?

Totally agree! And our instructors did not play that! We started with 44 and ended with 25. Most were lost in the first 2 semesters.

I think most of this is a MYOB kind of thing. Who cares what other people do? Does it really effect you that someone walks in an hour late? Or that people complain about the uniform? Or that someone does their nails? The only thing you said that would annoy me is the changing of the schedule, which would I'm sure not fly with many students who have set their schedules around it. Everything else is really on your instructors. They're not idiots. They know you can find things on the Internet. If it was a big deal to them they would change the assignment. It's up to them to enforce their rules. Same as an employer. Students putting themselves at risk have no leg to stand on if they get in trouble. It's not any of my business, doesn't affect how well I do on exams.

I complain about the uniform. Our school thought the women's scrubs were too risqué, so we all wear men's/unisex, which you can imagine fits terribly on many. And our scrubs are teal, so some of the men in our class have voiced their disdain. I don't think complaining about something you're forced to wear means you're not proud of your school. That's ridiculous.

Also, I'm one of those people that search the web in class. I don't learn well in the lecture. I do better listening to the voice recordings at home with the book in front of me. Ive consistently scored in the 88-92% on exams. Again, what is what I do on my laptop a concern to you? The person that asks stupid questions just humiliates themselves, why do you even give it a second thought?

Nursing school is already stressful. I really don't see why anyone would put any time or energy into what other people do.

I don't like to wear my clinical uniform?

It's all white, the scrub top has a huge collar on it and it's a button up.

Everything else, yeah sure.

Ah... It's embarrassing to admit but I was definitely a horrible student... I fell into the nursing degree because I had nothing better to do with my time and didn't know what I wanted to do "when I grew up" (yep, not the best start and certainly not fair for anyone who missed out on a position in the course). I was hungover on most of my uni days (never at clinicals though) and certainly not in a particularly interactive mood. I only attended the mandatory hours then immediately went home afterwards. I followed through with the degree because it seemed like a waste of money to just drop out. It wasn't until my final semester of my final year that I suddenly developed a passion/love for nursing. My grades were always fantastic - I averaged high distinctions and my lowest mark was a distinction... But that was a fluke more than anything. Now that I have been an RN for a number of years and preceptored students I cringe when they ask what my student days were like! I'm glad that I changed as a person because of my degree. My behaviour didn't change through anyone attempting to intervene, all it took was a REALLY good clinical (at my university we did 10 weeks straight of clinicals, 40hrs per week, in our final semester) and working with nurses who were knowledgeable, passionate about nursing and all around fantastic people.

My only advice to anyone who has painful students in their classes is simply to ignore them. As long as they're not affecting you, there's nothing you can do for/about them except hope that one day they'll see the light and appreciate the degree and profession.

Am I the only one with instructors who locked the classroom doors and barred entry after 15 minutes into lecture? Not even kidding. If you were late, it wasn't an option to enter the classroom, you just had to sit in the hall and wait until break and then do the walk of shame and endure the wrath of the professor. Woe be unto anyone chronically late, they would have to see the Dean and possibly be kicked out of the program. I guess my nursing school was just weird.

I finished my BScN in December and I feel that you are 100% right with most of these- except for the part about students who don't pay attention during lecture. I cannot sit there and watch a PowerPoint or listen to a lecture, I need to learn things on my own at home in my comfort zone. So I am one of those people who do everything during lecture except learn. Honestly if lectures weren't manditory and attendance taken then I would not have shown up. Despite not paying attention to any lectures in 4 years I still graduated with honours cum laude and passed my nclex first try. Don't be so quick to judge those :) sometimes my study schedule was a couple weeks behind so I had no idea what something we learnt in class was until I prepped for tests or exams. Not everyone learns the same!

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