Please Help

Nursing Students Student Assist


I am taking Pharmacology for my BSN. The instructor wants us to do a concept map. I have no idea what this is since I'm pretty much in a class where u have to teach yourself. Can someone anyone help me or provide me with examples? My email is Thank u so much in advance.

Google it. I had to learn how to do them in my final preceptorship for that particular clinical instructor and had never had to do one before. I found plenty of sites with explanations and examples and even found a template I liked.

Google has some great templates.

I would advise being careful before downloading one though, my computer got a virus from trying to download a concept map.

Lost my whole care plan.

I'd edit out your email. This is only as anonymous as we make it.

Google it. I had to learn how to do them in my final preceptorship for that particular clinical instructor and had never had to do one before. I found plenty of sites with explanations and examples and even found a template I liked.

I had to for my final clinical as well! It wasn't my preceptorship but it was my final clinical before my practicum. It was the first time an instructor ever asked me to do one. After doing it, I was like man I wish I had been doing these instead of care plans all along!! Lol!

Here's one online Pharmacology Concept Map

I attached a file that I used in pharm when I went to school. My pharm 2 instructor had us do our drug profiles on them. I didn't really see it as a concept map, but I think technically it is.

Hope they help!

Drug Class Profile Sheet Template.docx

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