Published Dec 6, 2013
43 Posts
Hello! I am in my 1st semester of the BSN program. I feel like i am under water. I have never been diagnosed with depression or anxiety, but i feel that how I am acting and feeling is not necessarily normal. I am constantly stressed and I feel like my closest friends and family just do not understand what i am going through. I cannot voice my concerns without getting the whole do not worry you will be fine. It just makes me feel like they do not understand, and that particular thought is causing a ridge in my personal relationship. I have such a wonderful supportive guy, but the fact that I feel like he just doesnt understand is stopping me from talking to him. Or if all i get are positive things, it just aggravates me and ends up in an argument. Am I the only one that has gone through this?
578 Posts
I start my program next semester. However, I've felt this way during pre reqs and I know it'll get worse. My bf is also very supportive and even let me quit my job to focus on school. But whenever I study my ass off for something and get a B or C, he's always asking "I don't understand why you can't get As. What are you doing in there when you say you're studying?". Lol I think nobody will ever understand what were going through until they've experienced it. I'm always bringing it up to my bf about what if I fail nursing school. He always says you'll be fine....I do have anxiety and take meds for it. It helps. I used to take a med daily for depression, since anxiety is a form of depression and even though I never felt depressed, it really made me feel I was balanced. I quit taking it because it would make me feel like I wasn't hungry a lot and I already weigh 20 lbs underweight so I couldn't afford that.
270 Posts
Well what exactly is it that you want to hear?
That is the problem. I have no idea. I do not know what will make me feel better. But hearing I will be ok doesnt really help. I guess I want answers. Idk I am just so tired all the time and overwhelmed.
You should go see someone; they usually have counselors available if your school has a campus health center. They can give you constructive ways to manage the pressures. Also, one of my instructors in nursing school recommended talking to a doctor early on if you are prone to anxiety, especially test anxiety. If you want to do well in nursing school and NCLEX, you have to have that under control.
Nursing school can easily take up your whole life, but supportive friends and family are important even if they don't understand. Your classmates, however, do understand - so form study groups or otherwise spend time together after class. My clinical group used to go have drinks after clinicals (not in scrubs of course) and it was a great way to know you aren't the only person going through these things.
449 Posts
See a therapist, honestly.
I've had issues with depression and anxiety (including OCD) for years. The best option for you really is a therapist. They are trained to help you with these issues.
139 Posts
Could you speakbwith your dr and try to find a medication that wont cause you to lose weight?
784 Posts
Nope, you're absolutely not the only person. My mom was like that and I finally told her while I appreciated her caring, I didn't want her platitudes that sometimes I just need to vent.
What I did do after my first semester, however, was start taking better care of myself. I ate better foods, I started exercising and no matter how far behind I was, I went to bed and got sleep. The rest of my time as a student was SO MUCH Better because I was healthy and happy. It was hard but even if you only get 1/2 hour of exercise/day you're going to be so much happier and well rounded. winter break is coming up, make some menus. When I made the menus I also made a grocery list to go with it and e/o weekend (on my weekend off from clinicals) I would go shopping and make food that froze so I would have meals for the next 1-2 weeks. it was a lot of work up front and e/o Sunday was busy but it made me happier.
So, find out what you can do to make yourself healthier. That will go a LONG way in your overall happiness
901 Posts
I agree with krisiepoo. I was going to write a similar post. In addition, do you have a nursing school friend you can talk to? I made a really good friend in school who understands how it all feels and we are able to talk to each other about it. It does really help to have that kind of support. I don't use study groups and am quite introverted. But having one good friend has made the difference.
There is an old book that helped me deal with depression at one point in my life and I go back to it when I need to. It's called "Feeling Good", by David Burns. It's basically about how to deal with our thought processes so that we can feel better. I know in nursing school it's hard to do any reading besides what is assigned. But it might be worth looking into some books that deal with anxiety and/or depression. You may find some tips that help you get through.
I know how hard it can be. I've got a year left and it's hard to think of how much I will need to accomplish in that year. I'm trying to stay focused on what is directly in front of me and not let myself get too overwhelmed. Most schools are going into a winter break now. Take that time to reassess how you will go forward. Make a plan.
I wish you the best. You are NOT the only one who is going through or has gone through this.
Thank you so much for all your wise words. It helps a lot just to know I'm not alone and going crazy. I will be talking to someone at school. I'll also try to better explain things to my gunny so that I don't make him feel horrible either. He does help, but at times hearing I'll be ok just isn't enough. The reason for that is because yes I know! I'm going to try my hardest to get thru this but if by any chance god has different plans for me and I fail nursing school I will still be ok. It's just that right at this moment with all the pressure and anxiety, hearing that doesn't help one bit. I'm not sure if I make sense. But once again Ty so much. I am an avid reader and have been looking into a book like that, so I will definitely be giving it a shot! Ty!
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
You need to speak with a professional. You cannot get the support you need from people that do not truly understand depression and anxiety.You can still follow your dream of being a nurse. You are not alone.Take care.
I won't go into the details of my life, but lets just say I DO truly understand depression and anxiety -- what I listed helped me greatly with working with it all