Nursing Schools--GPA

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


For those of you who were accepted into the nursing program, what were your GPA's??:idea: chubbi

I had a 4.0 when I was accepted into the nursing program. Sad to say but now I have a 3.5.(will graduate in May.. hopefully it does not fall any more) I tried so hard to keep my GPA up and was devistated when I got my first B, but as I have progressed through the nursing courses I have come to term with a B and in fact will be happy to get one this semster. In the end it really doesn't matter what your GPA is.... what matters are what your skills are like.

I have a 3.7

It would be higher but some less than stellar grades from 15 years ago are affecting my GPA.

Wow, that makes me soooo nervous 4.0 and 3.7...that's what I keep hearing that those who are being accepted have a GPA of 3.7+. Are there anyone with say a 3.5 GPA that was accepted???


I have almost a 3.6. Grades from 10 years ago brought it down a little.

I have a friend who got into the PN program that had no prior college. And really a 3.5 is pretty good. There are other aspects to the criteria besides just your GPA.

Wow, that makes me soooo nervous 4.0 and 3.7...that's what I keep hearing that those who are being accepted have a GPA of 3.7+. Are there anyone with say a 3.5 GPA that was accepted???


I have a 3.5 and got into pretty competitive programs (master entry programs). I've known people that have gotten in with less. I wouldnt worry about it if you have 3.5 or higher.

One of the most competitive BSN programs in my area, the admissions counselor said and I quote, "We have never accepted anyone with a 4.0 because they are usually lacking in other areas."

Many programs also take in many other factors as well.

I have almost a 3.6. Grades from 10 years ago brought it down a little.

I could have written this reply to the letter! 3.57 for me :)

I've certainly improved over the years as my maturity and focus have evolved and I have maintained a 4.0 since returning to school. I agree with the previous poster... while overall GPA is certainly important, I think being a well-balanced individual is equally as important. I have no doubt that it's my life experiences coupled with my GPA that ended up being the determining factor for my acceptance and obviously not GPA alone!

Specializes in Med/Surg, ICU, ER, Peds ER-CPEN.

I realized after getting in that GPA wasn't everything for our school, I had a 2.7 (they initially only count GPA of 4 pre-req's) :imbar but a 98th percentile and 144 composite on the NLN, the additional classes I took (Nutrition, micro,& A&P II in the same semesters helped lol) must have helped. we're almost done with the 2nd major semester and I've held my own against the 4.0 club lol over 70 people applied for 24 spots last year, this year they already have 100 apps with 2 more weeks to turn them in so glad I got in last year lol

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