Nursing school is not a back up plan!

Nursing Students General Students


So I have to get this out and rant. I know that other peoples' lives are none of my business, but this just drives me insane!!

There is this one young lady trying to get into the nursing program at a 4year, traditional BSN school.

She says that she doesn't actually want to become a nurse, but she wants to be an occupational therapist.

Her viewpoint on it is, she'll fly through nursing school and then apply to OT grad school.

I asked her why she doesn't just major in Pre-Occupational Therapy. She says this is the best option so if she doesn't get into Grad School Nursing can be her "backup plan"

This just makes me so sad for other students. The program is very competitive, and the lowest GPA typically taken is a 3.8. Lots of students are DYING to get in.

It just doesn't seem fair that somebody who doesn't want it.... Should take the spot of someone who does...

Okay.... Rant over guys :)


I honestly started nursing school because it was the quickest amount of money I could make in the shortest amount of time. I'm about to graduate and have learned that I was really meant for this. Not every aspect of nursing is for me but there are so many things I can do with this degree.

After knowing what nursing school does to you (thought processes, lack of sleep, financial problems, etc) I don't think you can make it through a program if part of you doesn't REALLY want it. Also, some of us can not handle failure and if we are worried we make excuses so it's not a big deal if we don't make it. Pay attention to you. Keep your head up. Do a great job. Don't worry about the people who are doing a back up plan or a just going to nursing school because they think it's cool. It's less stress on you and that is what matters :yes:

Specializes in CEN, CFRN, PHRN, RCIS, EMT-P.
I know that other peoples' lives are none of my business

This is the best part of your post. You should have stopped there.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

For me, nursing was never a childhood dream or a higher 'calling' from above. I enrolled in a nursing program in my early 20s because I wanted a career, not just a job. Nursing is not my passion; rather, it is simply a means to an end.

I wanted a career with advancement opportunities, mobility, flexible scheduling, steady middle income, and fluidity. I have found these facets in nursing.

This is the best part of your post. You should have stopped there.

I'm sorry. I stated at the end that I learned something and I had a new perspective on things. Many people come on here to rant, learn new things, and grow as a person. I don't appreciate the sass

Specializes in CEN, CFRN, PHRN, RCIS, EMT-P.
I'm sorry. I stated at the end that I learned something and I had a new perspective on things. Many people come on here to rant, learn new things, and grow as a person. I don't appreciate the sass

Sorry I missed that. Good :-)

Also- I'm not saying nursing was a "calling" for me either! I simply chose it because I found it interesting. I did not mean to insult it as a plan B, or hurt any feelings. Thanks to all who have shared new insight :) I love learning new things! :)

I'm going to add to this rant. Especially since the semester just ended and there were so many people that failed a class or it was just not clicking with them but they wanted it so bad. You know but there was a kid in my clinical class who was only in it for the money, he was talking about all the stuff he could. Like open a nursing home because he'd make bank and not a CBRF because*there's not a lot of money in that. He was afraid to do anything at clinical. He refused to take care of a resident because he was afraid he'd catch MRSA because he's highly susceptible to illnesses. Like ughhhhh

I'm going to add to this rant. Especially since the semester just ended and there were so many people that failed a class or it was just not clicking with them but they wanted it so bad. You know but there was a kid in my clinical class who was only in it for the money,

Well, that's as valid a reason as any to pursue a career choice.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Nursing school was completely my plan B. I was wait listed for dental hygiene so I went to nursing school. It's not "my calling" but it's a job that I do well. Doesn't make me a bad nurse just an honest one. I'm about to begin the final year of my BSN to DNP program.

Interesting discussion everyone! @aspiringnurse1122 I totally understand where you're coming from. I have a friend who majored in Biology and doesn't know what she wants to do so she often says she would apply to nursing school as a "back-up plan" if "nothing else works out". Meanwhile, she knows I have been busting my butt trying to get into nursing school.

As others have said, I understand that nursing is not always a passion or calling for everyone. However, I do take offense when it's positioned as a "worse case scenario" by my friend.

Anyone else run into this?

Probably much of the OP's original ire came about because of the impression she was getting from the OT-Wannabe, that nursing was something 'easy' to fall back on, easy to get through the coursework and easy to graduate from any nursing progam. After all, mostly we just bring people pills and call their doctors for them, right? Primarily waitressing and telephone operator? ;)

The reality of nursing school, competitiveness of programs for admission, and difficulty of successfully getting past all that to graduate and THEN still have to pass the NCLEX......most people just don't understand it. And since I think most people's view of nurses is what they see on tv, how could they? TV nurses have time to do everything OTHER than nursing duties all day long, the job is so easy!

I recall an episode of Grey's Anatomy in which one of the new residents couldn't pass his boards, and another resident said something along the lines of "well, if you fail again, you can just be a nurse".

Wonder why nursing isn't seen as a back up plan MORE often!

I do take offense when it's positioned as a "worse case scenario" by my friend.

Why take offense, though? If you're comfortable with your own choice then why does somebody else's choice ruffle your feathers? It's not an attack on you.

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