Nursing school is not a back up plan!

Nursing Students General Students


So I have to get this out and rant. I know that other peoples' lives are none of my business, but this just drives me insane!!

There is this one young lady trying to get into the nursing program at a 4year, traditional BSN school.

She says that she doesn't actually want to become a nurse, but she wants to be an occupational therapist.

Her viewpoint on it is, she'll fly through nursing school and then apply to OT grad school.

I asked her why she doesn't just major in Pre-Occupational Therapy. She says this is the best option so if she doesn't get into Grad School Nursing can be her "backup plan"

This just makes me so sad for other students. The program is very competitive, and the lowest GPA typically taken is a 3.8. Lots of students are DYING to get in.

It just doesn't seem fair that somebody who doesn't want it.... Should take the spot of someone who does...

Okay.... Rant over guys :)


OP I have felt the same way and I think these feelings are most pronounced when you are in the position of competing for those spots in nursing school.

I know a person who is unhappy about a tuition increase and is taking a first semester spot and plans on transferring the second semester. I spoke casually with the Dean about this (not naming said person) and he was like "that's fine. It will open up a spot for another student who possibly needs to retake a class later"

I still have a hard time when people are like "oh I'm just doing it for the money" when I really want to be a nurse but then I remember at first the money was why I seriously thought about it and I tell my self to be quiet.

Nursing was and still is my back up plan, not everyone is willing to dedicate their lives to nursing. Mind your own business and worry about **** that matters (or pertains to you, and not others)

bored ass nurses

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