Nursing School Application Questions


Happy New Year,

After a year of pre-reqs the time has finally come for me to complete my nursing school application :yeah:.I know all of you nursing students are very busy but I have a few questions for those of you who have sucessfully completed the process. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

1. Re: recommendations. My A&P teacher (last semester) was also my academic advisor and I could really use his recommendation. I had perfect attendance in his class, and out of his exams I earned four A's and two B's, and he knows I'm a serious, organized student. But I'm kind of nervous about the reccommendation b/c I haven't spent anytime around him other than class/advisement times, (and although I earned a B for the semester) I'm almost positive I failed his final:imbar. SHOULD I JUST SHOOT FOR THE RECOMMENDATION?

2. Re: "Experiences and activities including awards, and community service." In high school I was involved in a number of clubs and civic organizations... but that was 10 years ago! Since then the only volunteer experience I have had is in my church ( children's church, teens, women's ministry, and clerical volunteerism). In our town there isn't much opportunity for volunteering, most of the other applicants I 've talked to don't have any vlounteer exp either. SHOULD I GO BACK AND LIST MY HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES, AND SHOULD I BOTHER LISTING MY CHURCH COMMITEES?

Just FYI I am applying to a small hospital based diploma program, that will accept 30 students. THX!

You can always ask your teacher for a recommendation, the worse thing he could say is no, and then you just won't have his recommendation, and I honestly think that if he knows you are serious about becoming a nurse then he will probably give you one. It never hurts to ask.

I would go ahead and list your volunteer experience from ten years ago and your church volunteering. It shows that you care and that is probably what the program is looking for.

Its interesting that your school has a separate nursing application. Mine doesn't have a formal application. You make application to the school itself and when you register for and take the HOAE, you are then considered an applicant.

My school is probably the anomaly here.... I would think that most schools probably have separate applications.

Specializes in Peds OR as RN, Peds ENT as NP.

I am not a current nursing student but I am also applying and I did use a teacher who is also my academic advisor for a recommendation and she wrote an AMAZING one. Also, I do suggest writing your church volunteer work.

You should definitely ask your professor for a letter of rec! But, make sure to ask if he/she would be willing to give you a STRONG, POSITIVE letter of rec. Also, you should give anyone writing your letter a current resume so that they can highlight your academic success and extracurriculars. GOOD LUCK on apps!

We are required to complete a portfolio before we graduate. We started gathering info while we were in pre-reqs & just keep adding to it as we go. They told us to get anything & everything we could. I made quite a few phone calls & sent a ton of emails to drum up everything I could from high school forward. We are expected to add at least 2 new items a semester so that we have enough items to complete our portfolio. I'd ask for more information on requirements & if this is something that will be required for graduation etc.

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