Published Jul 24, 2010
41 Posts
Im about to start nursing school and I was wondering if anyone knew of a really good second hand watch. I was looking for one that was waterproof, with a big face, and maybe have a military time on it too just in case. Also does anyone know of a good nurse pack with a belted organzier small enough to fit around my waist and under my scrub friend said that it really helped her out in nursing...if you have anymore thoughts of what else might be helpful for me please let me know IM SOOO NERVOUS:uhoh3: We havent had orientation yet but I was trying to get some helpful tips on extra stuff to get to help me
288 Posts
Check under the "nurses" tab, scroll to the bottom. There is a section called Nursing Gear. I saw a couple posts in there about watches with a bunch of good info.
240 Posts
Take a deep breath.
Any watch is fine, just something with a second hand. I say go cheap on the watch, if you get something really nasty on it, (you will) you can just trash it. I say skip the nurse pack and just get scrubs with several big pockets. I tend to spend a little more on my scrubs and I carry a $200 littman scope. Just my thoughts.
31 Posts
I am also starting the process of getting all of my stuff. I just bought my watch and I went with some advice on these boards about keeping it cheap because it's going to get gross. I went to target and bought a watch for $12.99. I'm such a nerd that bought one to match my stethoscope, so I have a bright orange watch with a large face and the band is rubber so it's really easy to wipe with alcohol.
Charlie T and Juliannehola Thank you so much...I will try to breath maybe that will have to wait till after nursing school is over..but thank you all for the advice!! Juliannhola Im a nerd too and I will probably end up doing the same!:)
14 Posts
I use this ulility belt every shift to carry EXACTLY what I need - all hidden nicely under the hem of my scrub top. No big bulge of a pack or apron. Patients notice how organized I am compared to previous shifts - I've received a lot of positve patient comments.
161 Posts
You registered last month and have two posts, both about the same widget--are you selling them or affiliated with the maker somehow? Otherwise I can't see how you're adding any value at all to a FOUR YEAR OLD thread by chiming in to essentially duplicate an earlier post...
rob4546, BSN, MSN
1,022 Posts
Get a watch with a thin face so that it doesn't stand off your arm too far. It will prevent being caught on tubes, wires, and sheets throughout the day.
The nursing belt, pouch, etc is really a personal preference. I could have never wore these comfortably. I kept everything in scrub pockets. Only thing I really needed throughout the day was a few flushes, pens, sharpie, small notebook, trauma scissors, and a bunch of alcohol pads. There is usually a cool little pocket that holds those wipes in your scrub pants. My stethoscope goes around my neck.
You will soon find out what you like to carry. Also you will soon find out what your nursing program and facility allows you to carry. Don't go out and buy everything before you know what is allowed or suggested. Get a thin watch though, with a second hand.
FlyingScot, RN
2,016 Posts
Just a little FYI. Carrying flushes on your person is a JCAOH violation. Not that we all don't do it.
Interesting - I never heard that one before. We do keep flushes locked in med carts rather than sitting out unattended, but carrying has not been discouraged for us. You sure that's JC and not your facility policy? I'd love to read the JC document on that one. Kinda humerous really - I wonder how the flush is supposed to make it from the Med room to the patient... float??
Not a facility thing. We got dinged for it. You can carry them to the room/bay you are going to use them but carrying extras in your pocket is considered unsafe storage.