Nursing outside of the United States!


I am finishing up my ADN at a local community college and will be taking the NCLEX sometime over summer! I have always wanted to use my nursing career outside of the United States without working for the government (navy, army, etc.). I am wanting to share my knowledge and skills with others who are less fortunate than us here in America! I am not interested obviously in getting rich being a nurse because let's be honest that is never going to happen! I just want to have a career where I can help others in need of help, who want/need my help, and be satisfied doing so! Does anyone have any suggestions for making this possible?

You made me laugh with that one. Why do you think Australia qualifies, and I quote from the OP. "I am wanting to share my knowledge and skills with others who are less fortunate than us here in America!"

Seriously, next Australian you see, and they get about, tell them that their country is 3rd world.

Then duck. :roflmao:

Oh, I've heard this from the odd American that has come to work up here in the Great White North.

Don't you know that everyone wants to benefit from superior, American knowledge!

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.

Never mind. I just re-read the OP and see that she doesn't want to work for the government. I missed that on the first read through.

First why are you waiting soooo long to take NCLEX?

What you want to do it very do-able! I know several nurses who work in other countries. I have worked as an RN in New Zealand. I think they best way to do it is to get yourself several years of good acute care experience, then work as a cilivian in a military or federal hospital overseas. There are quite a few job openings in places like Japan, Germany, Italy and others. I know people who do this right now.

Look here:

Many international locations for civilian air force nurse including the UK, Germany and Japan.

Position for a civilian in am army hospital in Korea:

PS I was able to get an RN license in NZ with some good experience and my ADN. They look at your education on a case by case basis. They decided that my ADN was compairable to their 3 year BSN.

If you are interested in getting a NZ license PM me. It's been a long time since I did it but can maybe point you in the right direction.

You made me laugh with that one. Why do you think Australia qualifies, and I quote from the OP. "I am wanting to share my knowledge and skills with others who are less fortunate than us here in America!"

Seriously, next Australian you see, and they get about, tell them that their country is 3rd world.

Then duck. :roflmao:

Lol I read it wrong, I didn't see the "less fortunate" part of the post. I thought was another person wanting to work in a foreign country.

And I am Australian...

Apologies again!

Join the US Military, It will be an experience like you have never known.

I joined right out of High School.

US Army and TXARNG 1984-2014

Gulf War 90-91

Iraq 2004-05

Afghanistan 2009

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