Nursing and Money Makin'

Nursing Students General Students


Do nurses really make that much money? Really?

I've stated that other posts why I really wanted to become a nurse. My reasons change time to time, but honestly, I want to be a role model for my daughter. I also need to have something to protect myself incase something should happen to my husband. God forbid.

I see others say, (and please refrain from bashing) that they are in it for the money. That's fine, I'm not forming an opinion. I just want to know what tells you that the money is that good? I have heard two instructors say the pay isn't great. I've been told to expect about $40,000 a year. I'm in STL by the way. $40,000 a year isn't going to be putting me in the life of luxury.

My question is, do I have this all wrong? Is there a way to make more money than I had thought? What's the story, and FILL ME IN! LOL!

BTW, if anyone is interested in seeing the average RN salary in their area, here is a great website to look at!

OK, good. I'm not alone on my thoughts. Just checkin' to see if I was the only one. Thanks girls/guys!

I asked one of the new nurses I work with what his starting pay was. He's making around $120k and he was a new grad hire in 2008.

But the Bay Area is a terrible yardstick, and he's certainly one of the lucky ones to have gotten a job here. Over here, $120k/year will get you a tiny condo or a little bungalo in the ghetto. One hundred miles to the east, new grads start around $70k and can buy one of the many foreclosed McMansions and live it up.

The pay will be nice, but I'm excited for the job itself. I'm tired of watching the nurses do the cool stuff from the sidelines!

Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Flight.

just out of curiosity,

why is that people say making 25-30/hr isnt good pay?... i mean there is a girl in my class thinking shes going to make 50/hr as an RN... not likely with a BSN.

anyways, i think the pay is more than adequate, and if u want to make more $ do OT..and fluff up your bank account.

people should focus on more important things, being able to have a roof over your head, food on the table, bills paid and a happy family. :)

Starting is around 40k'ish, those SF Cali people are the exception first year new grade pay. Other than that, experienced nurses in the field make GOOD money ... I don't understand what crazy world your instructors are living in. Besides the amount of money is relative to how many others rely on it ... aka you supporting a family of 5 as a single mother .. then sure you can skew any $$$ into not being enough ...

All in all .. once you've been settled into the profession it's good money.

Specializes in None.

I am getting into nursing mainly because my husband is a professor, and I want to be able to get a good job anywhere we end up moving. I have 15 years of experience working in the legal field. If we move out of state, Louisiana legal experience doesn't mean squat. Besides, I've always been the type to take care of anyone who is sick or injured.

Actually I have seen people that expect to get rich in nursing and it's rather sad. I live in NYC and the average starting salary is about 75K about $37 an hour. A lot of people think that is living great but that of course is before taxes. After taxes you're really only bringing home about 55K which again is great but the cost of living in NYC is ridiculous. You'll be able to have your own apartment and pay your bills sure but that's not exactly home buying money and even moreso if you have to pay loans. I don't think people really factor in all of that. It's good money yes but there are a lot of professions in that bracket. Hell an ultrasound tech makes about 28-30 an hour in our area. For me that is MORE than enough but if you do a search on this forum you will find a lot of nurses who feel they are underpaid, so yea.

I don't care if people are doing it for the money but sometimes they make it sound like they're going to be making doctor/lawyer money and they aren't unless all they plan to do is work of course. I love the healthcare profession and I also like being able to live comfortably (not paycheck to paycheck) but I don't expect to be living in a condo in Manhattan two or three years after I graduate and I don't even have a husband or kids.

Starting is around 40k'ish, those SF Cali people are the exception first year new grade pay. Other than that, experienced nurses in the field make GOOD money ... I don't understand what crazy world your instructors are living in. Besides the amount of money is relative to how many others rely on it ... aka you supporting a family of 5 as a single mother .. then sure you can skew any $$$ into not being enough ...

All in all .. once you've been settled into the profession it's good money.

All of my instructors are MSN-RN. It's required for our department. They make good money, they're not rich is all they are saying.

Specializes in Operating Room.

The only people that think nurses get rich are those who are not in the profession. I've never heard a classmate say such a thing. On the other side, the nurses at my clinical placement often complain that they don't make enough. That bothers me more than the nurses-get-rich mentality. Nurses make decent pay! Starting wage here is $21/hr but the cost of living is incredibly low. My parents make half of that and they are completely debt free, as in no house payments, no car payments, nada. No matter how much you make, if you can't handle your finances and live beyond your means, you are always going to feel like there isn't enough money. I live frugality, use coupons, look for deals, buy what I need; nursing salary is going to allow me a comfortable lifestyle.

As I've stated in previous threads, there are better ways to make money AND have more flexibility than nursing.

I worked in mortgage for 15 years and I can tell you that a Loan Officer at a bank works an average of 20 hours a week and make more than $100K/year with very little schooling. It takes a while to build up to this but in the long run they make much more money and the job is easy. And, yes, they still make this money even though the economy is in the tank right now.

Because I did mortgage for 15 years, I've also seen what some business owners can make. I wouldn't know what to do with all their money! I knew one person who made $300,000/month AFTER I audited his tax returns! And, every time I call them, they are playing golf.

I also knew a poker player who made A LOT of money. Don't get me wrong, it takes talent to play poker but this is what he did professionally. He made about $20,000/month and could write off his trips to Vegas.

I don't know why anyone would ever want to go into nursing for the money. It boggles the mind!!!

Haha! This is all true. I, myself, am not trying to get rich from a career in nursing. Making 300,000 a month would be nice, (..daunting?) but what it would take to be a successful business person, I am not willing to do. After establishing myself in my career, making roughly 50 - 60 grand seems like plenty to me. You can certainly lead a fulfilling life with this income.

And to the original poster - how do people think they can get rich from nursing? Check out average salaries for CRNA'S - that's how. But that's about it.

Specializes in NICU Level III.

I live comfortably and travel often...and I'm only part time (and single so no help with income there). There is a lot of money to be made in picking up OT but it is not always available here.

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