Published Oct 3, 2014
2 Posts
This is my first time posting here. I am a new nurse and am currently working towards my BSN. I have been assigned to do a ppt identifying a question or issue of significance to nursing practice. Then I need to use EBP to discuss how this issue should be changed. I know this doesn't sound difficult, but I am having a hard time choosing a nursing issue to discuss. If anyone has any ideas on topics I would be so grateful! Thank you!!!
15,419 Posts
ARe you working as a nurse while pursuing your BSN?
Are there any issues which affect you or your work processes in your current job?
I am working. I haven't really noticed any issues. I work in pre-op. We do very basic assessments and start IVs. I can't think of many issues.
jadelpn, LPN, EMT-B
9 Articles; 4,800 Posts
If you work in pre-op, I can think of a few things--infection control r/t IV starts, pt education regarding the procedure that they are undergoing so that they sign an informed consent, and the process by which you get the pt's past medical information/assessment so that they can have the procedure to begin with (thinking if someone takes a daily asprin, Coumadin, certain vitamins....)
If this is not where your interest lies, think about where it does--and patient education is a huge component of patient care, ensuring that EBP is carried out to maintain best function going forward with the patient. You could even get into details about how a patient who may be disabled, language barriers, that type of thing--how are they educated?
Best wishes!
Understanding Evidence-Based Practice|Evidence-Based Practice Network
Here's a resource link to help decide--has some great articles regarding EBP.
MrChicagoRN, RN
2,610 Posts
wrong patient, and wrong site surgeries are Huge Safety Issues that have caused catastrophic damage to patients.
Same name, similar names, look alike drugs...look alike patients.
I have a really good link to a TJC video that demonstrates the Swiss cheese theory perfectly. Enough people made enough small errors that the wrong patient ended up on the table. I'll post a link if I can find it.
klone, MSN, RN
14,857 Posts
Sorry, wrong thread.
icuRNmaggie, BSN, RN
1,970 Posts
The practice of checking the balloon on a foley catheter dates back to when foleys were made of rubber.
The foleys we use now are made of some kind of vinyl. I have never seen these balloons break.
The problem with checking the balloon is that it leaves ridges which make insertion painful. A Urologist taught me this many years ago.
Checking the balloon is unnecessary and can make insertion very painful.
If you choose to use this topic be sensitive in how you present the information. You do not want to offend your instructors.
How much waste is drawn and discarded when drawing blood from a PICC line.
Every source hospital policy and PICC nurse tells me something different.
When I say show me the evidence, they can't.